199: And Now The Weather feat. Phantomite and Loroseco Kross

“The intent looks like it’s to make life more difficult and dangerous”

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-CSM winner Phantomite and WH CSM hopeful Loroseco join us for a spirited discussion of the top issues of the day

-Is CSM living up to Phatomite’s expectations?

-CCP announces the detail for a new series of space storms which will be ravaging New Eden in an upcoming release

-The effect of these storms on infrastructure attacks launches a wide ranging discussion on their effects, the health of Citadels and caps generally, Surgical Strike being a good patch or not, and the value of resistance buffs/debuffs

-WWB2 Updates! Noir.’s contract concludes as PanFam takes half of Fountain and Legacy half of Querious. The first Keepstars fall without defense from Imperium, who are counter attacking sov in Querious. When will the heavy shots fall?!

-A series of massive lowsec brawls lead to the destruction of SNUFF’s staging Fortizar, at great cost to the attackers

-Host highlights and more!

Phantomite’s Lantorn video

An analysis of resists in EVE

Storm Dev Blog

173: Briscy Business feat. Brisc Rubal

“Confidentiality is a big deal for attorneys; this put my license in jeopardy.”


The Rubal Report: Brisc is cleared of wrongdoing by a CCP investigation of their initial investigation. What went on behind the scenes and what does it mean for Brisc, the CSM, and CCP going forward?

-CCP Ghost on the Destiny/TriHex podcast (listen later)

-Chinese powerhouse alliance PIBC leaves EVE China for Tranquility

168: 100% Jin’taan Personal Views

“You know what I mean.”



-Jin’taan and Nidia Masters return for an absolutely unforgettable episode

-What has Jin been up to? Is INIT better than TEST? What’s up with the CSM?

-Nidia talks all things Pandemic Horde

-Our hosts and guests wax poetically about the early days of EVE and their fond memories of Providence, UNITY, and anarcho-capitalism

-An update on the war in Scalding Pass from Neighborhood Watch block captain Alekseyev Karrde