212: An Industrial Episode with Steve Ronuken

“We are terrible ill equipped to talk about these changes”

-“Fuzzy” Steve Ronuken joins us for a deepish dive on the upcoming changes to industry, particularly battleships

-Several Contract Updates as Noir. and The Network get hired for a series of structure saves across highsec and lowsec

-Alek and Andy fly in the big RC vs SNUFF Titan brawl in Amamake

-The 9UY Freeport shuts down, full story to come on the next program!

Do you consider yourself an industrialist?
  • I do industry but I'm not an industrialist 49%, 21 vote
    21 vote 49%
    21 vote - 49% of all votes
  • Yes 26%, 11 votes
    11 votes 26%
    11 votes - 26% of all votes
  • No 26%, 11 votes
    11 votes 26%
    11 votes - 26% of all votes
Total Votes: 43
April 13, 2021 - April 26, 2021
Voting is closed

192: Sweeps Week feat. Andy Astronaut

“Transitioning from one area of space CCP has long neglected but recently changed a little to another…”

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-Carrying 3 Black Mark Awards in tow, Andy Astronaut joins us for the show

-Noir. hits a wormhole full of squirrels and scores big nuts

-Gang recounts some of their most memorable FCing mistakes

-Super crazy brawls and dev slaughtering in Providence

-February Economic Report discussion and analysis

-Follow up on the mutual evictions going on at the top tier of WH space

-CCP’s major update to FW and corresponding lowsec event

Bonus: Vily on T*PI

188: The Bonus Clown feat. FloppietheBanjoClown

“You’d be surprised what people believe when they need it to be true.”


FloppietheBanjoClown regales us with tales of piracy, griefng, scams, and the cutting edge of skullduggery in EVE

-We explore the evolution of Incursion griefing, miner bumping, safaris, and The Bonus Room

-What’s wrong with wardecs? The panel explores

-Noir. Academy welcomes its first graduates of 2020

-Coalitions clash in the North as Siege Green readies a new lowsec Keepstar

-PLEX for Good goes golden, as Kelon Darklight and Scott Manley raise over 1 million PLEX

-CCP launches the long-asked for ship models! The cast reviews

-Alek tries a nano Leshak, Artimus finally uses his jump freighter, and Banjo goes on a highsec war rampage

185: Force Multiplier feat. Andy Astronaut and Kravma en Distel

“Once we landed, it was basically over for them.”


-Alek is joined by Noir. pilots to discuss 2 recent contracts

-Noir.’s “force multiplication” service is used for the first time, to great success

-Providence gets a little more crowded as conflict escalates on both sides