Declare Your Vote!

It’s election time folks! If you’ve been listening to our episodes about Equinox and the subsequent nerfs of its content, you know how important the role of the CSM is in protecting the interests of the community. But we need the right people in the right places! Who are those people? You came to the right place.


  1. Youngpuke2: Surprised? If you listened to our Candidate Roundtable you may not be. But some important context we didn’t even get a chance to cover is the work Youngpuke has done behind the scenes within the Faction Warfare community across all the factions and war zones to take in feedback, organize proposals, iterate on them, and successfully submit them to CCP for implementation. This is as close to a proof-of-concept as one can get for CSM and he’s absolutely nailed it over the course of the last 2 years. He’s an FC, he’s a small gang guy, he’s a lowsec guy, he’s a cap warfare guy, and most important: he’s ready Day One.
  2. Mick Fightmaster: Secures second place for his ability and drive to get feedback and actively listen to the voices who want to be heard, even if he needs to put his ear to the ground to hear them. Mick actively asked for a feedback session with the small corps who live in The Reef, new to WH corps with only a handful of players and a heart full of passion. He handled himself deftly in that townhall, handled himself well in our Roundtable, and on the authority of some of the people I trust the most to know what they’re talking about in WH space he’s done that consistently elsewhere. WH need new blood to represent them and Mick has shown he’s got the right stuff.
  3. Gideon Zendikar: Gideon’s run for CSM before but unlike previous years he gets a top three spot. Why? Growth, and a mindset to grow more. Gideon has matured as both a player and a candidate, branching out into other areas of the game and demonstrating a rare thoughtfulness in how he approaches the problems they face. Of all CSM candidates running, he has the temporarily unique experience of going from never held sov to carving out his own area of space under Equinox (fighting to do it, too!). That is EXACTLY the perspective we as a community need in CCP’s ear right now and Gideon’s the guy to deliver.
  4. The Oz: Currently one of EVE’s most formidable economic minds and a popular streamer at that! The EVE economy is a perennially hot topic and the CSM needs someone who understands it deeply. Oz has demonstrated that time and again, as well as continuing to communicating with players and create high quality, informative, and interactive content. On top of that, he’s a genuinely great guy who despite his wealth and e-fame always makes time for others. What more could we ask for?
  5. Machagon (aka Bill Cynabal): One man, one rookie ship, and one dream to play EVE on the hardest difficulty imaginable while sharing it with the world. Machagon has experienced EVE like few before him, without relying on the market or outsourcing the acquisition of even the most complex items. In doing so he’s had to learn the game in great detail. Bill’s Cynabal challenge has captivated and inspired a whole community of players that represent the passionate core of EVE Online. Honestly if Equinox had played out differently, I could see Machagon in the top 3 any other election. Make sure he’s on your ballot!!!
  6. Frozen Fallout: Frozen is a fellow podcaster and alliance partner of Noir. for a long time. He has a deep passion for the community that drives EVE, going so far as to organize one of the most consistently successful player gatherings in the US. He’s a veteran FW player and knows his small gang warfare, but he’s also a man of the people and takes the most joy in spending time with new players using FW as a launching point for their EVE experience. We know him well, we like him, we think CSM will too.
  7. Itaer: A lesser known candidate perhaps but he’s saying all the right things for a small gang PVP CSM candidate and we could certainly use more of those. Give his thread a read, it’s great stuff!
  8. Mike Azariah: Communication is key for the CSM, arguably one of their most important characteristics. No one running has remotely close to the track record on this as Mike Azariah. At this point, aside from giving away supplies to needy noobs, Mike’s EVE game basically IS the CSM. Serving on it, talking about it, living and breathing it. CSM18 has dropped a few balls but talking to players hasn’t been one of them thanks to Mike’s regular and insightful updates. Make him hit a term limit 😉
  9. Kshal Aideron: A CCP pick last year that deserves our votes this year. Kshal is the CEO of EVE Rookies and a key figure in FUN Inc, which as stepped up to be the core hub of NPSI in EVE. She’s done a lot for newer players and for veterans too tbh, and has served well in CSM18. Send her back!
  10. Dujek Oneye: Our final spot goes to possibly the best established-nullsec candidate. Nullsec will win a lot of seats, but do your part to make sure they go to those who will wield that influence and opportunity responsibly. BRAVE is one of the most scrappy nullsec alliances in the game and for Dujek to serve as the Chief of Staff to such a diverse, new player oriented alliance which has been under remarkable pressure for the past few years (wars, moving, etc) he has to know his stuff.

Don’t forget to vote! Go go go!

287: CSM19 Roundtable

Featuring candidates Frozen Fallout, Gideon Zendikar, Mick Fightmaster, and Youngpuke2

Alek and Zeero run these CSM hopefuls through the gamut of current issues including:
  • Faction Warfare and what iterations are needed post-Havoc
  • Equinox nullsec after the latest series of content nerfs #RIPSkyhooks
  • The state of wormholes and what CCP should change/add, if anything

Enjoy and remember to VOTE!!!

286: Burstin’ Makes Me Feel Good

“I think I had a hand in that”

-The Omist war continues to rage as both side continues to escalate and innovate, with BOSS establishing a clear advantage in this phase of the campaign

-An economic patch! The crew analyzes the impact of reducing cap ship and T1 BS prices

-Officer Frigate Mods and You

-Sov nerfs get partially walked back as Ansiblex and Cyno Jammers once again become deployable in most systems, along with less costly industry upgrades

-Are Skyhooks balanced?

-Alek goes on a jamming spree with a Vengeance, Laeve haunts a key pipe on the contract, and Zeero shares some exciting small gang skirmishes vs the forces of nullsec

285: Rift Warfare

“One of the most even small coalition wars I’ve ever seen.”

-Contract Update: Omist! Trench warfare on the far edge of space

-Fishing comes to EVE!

-ATXX Feeders come to a close as the pod looks on to the main event

-A priceless structure killed in Pochven, at a high cost

-New tactics are tried as Alek FC tricked out Burst Scorpions, Laeve unleashes Hecates in a null fight, and Zeero explores the potential of the nano Drekavac

Gone fishing?
  • No 71%, 10 votes
    10 votes 71%
    10 votes - 71% of all votes
  • Yes 29%, 4 votes
    4 votes 29%
    4 votes - 29% of all votes
Total Votes: 14
September 10, 2024 - September 23, 2024
Voting is closed