DoW 88: Freeport Emma Watson

“Five and a convo.”

Special Guest: Thaddeus Drake, PVP director for Noir.’s most recent contract target Violent Declaration

-Thaddeus talks about his rise from new player to CEO and FC of a young alliance

Poll Results: Was Phoebe a success?

EVE News:

Contract Wrap Up: Sukanen Slobberknocker, feat. Thaddeus giving the target’s perspective of the campaign

Major announcement of the New Eden Grand Prix, Jan. 17th at 18:00 

CSM Corner:

  • Rhea patch rundown
  • CCP Greyscale now just regular Greyscale
  • Industry Teams removed in a rare, possibly first time, feature removal
  • CSM X campaign madness begins

DoW 87: The Passion of the Fozzie

“See what you’ve done Bam? This is all your doing.”

-Special guest Bam Stroker!

Poll Discussion: Will your corp/alliance be using Phoebe to jump start a new conflict?

EVE News:

-Contract Wrap Up: Stay Frosty FFA, POS contracts

-This Week in Turtles: Surprising facts about turtles

-CSM Corner: UI improvements incoming, CCP/CSM One Year Later

-Dramatic Reading: “I’m good enough to get in, trust me bro.”

Music: The Rainbooms – Awesome as I Wanna Be

DoW 86 pt. 2: Minute by Minute

“So now we’re gonna get into the CSM Corner…”

CSM9 has set the record for fastest official minute release

Extensive Minutes Discussion:

  • Minutes process improvements and the frequent-release era
  • Sugar Kyle’s lowsec philosophy
  • Module Tiericide
  • 0.0 and sov
  • CONCORD now intervenes when corp members shoot each other
  • Alliance logos, ship skins, the power of identity and how CCP is dragging their feet on unleashing it
  • CCP Seagull: “It’s time to get over Incarna and start taking risks again.”
  • 20% of new players never train a skill (wtf?!)
  • Incursions acknowledged as broken ISK faucet

Music: Shia LeBeouf Live (Rob Cantor)

DoW 86: October Surprise pt. 1

“Was there a wink?”

Poll Discussion: Phoebe Jump Change Revisions

EVE News:

  • Alek and Ali give an extensive first-hand account of EVE Vegas including off-stream hijinx, roundtable reporting, 5v5 and Valkyrie PVP results, and Noir.’s fortunes on the Vegas Strip
  • Nyx gets ganked for charity
  • NoHo fights against the odds in an overwhelming victory in w-space
  • Nullsec rearranges the map in prep for Phoebe as the DoW cast gives you the latest on who’s doing what, going where, and why

Contract: Outer Ring Pipe Camp


Links: EVE Down Under