275: Hole Control feat. Cyrus Kurush

“We decided we’re going to do something about it and we started planning.”

-Cyrus Kurush of SYNDE joins us for a first hand account of the largest war in wormhole space in EVE history

-The dynamics of C5/C6 WH space and the stakes of this conflict between SYNDE, Lazerhawks, and their respective coalitions

-Noir. and Templis CALSF tearing up the warzone in their debut weeks in Guristas militia

-A mysterious structure under construction in Auviken

-Are war decs fun? The fans weigh in with some surprising results

Pick a side:
  • Team HAWKS 52%, 132 votes
    132 votes 52%
    132 votes - 52% of all votes
  • Team SYNDE 48%, 123 votes
    123 votes 48%
    123 votes - 48% of all votes
Total Votes: 255
April 12, 2024 - July 7, 2024
Voting is closed

271: 2023 Black Mark Awards

“I didn’t get a f*ckin thing today!”

-GalMil makes history as the first Faction Militia to win an Insurgency and take down a Pirate Forward Operating Base

-2023 Black Mark winners revealed! Shocking results! Discussions about the meta!!! Is Alek crying?!

-A Faction Fortizar lost forever as Rekking Crew’s HQs are besieged by an unholy alliance of Amarr RP and the apex predators of lowsec

-Alek takes a Ferox for the road, Laeve creates the opportunity but misses the fight, and Zeero takes us inside small gang wormhole PVP

Should the Exequror Navy Issue be nerfed?
  • No 57%, 24 votes
    24 votes 57%
    24 votes - 57% of all votes
  • Yes 43%, 18 votes
    18 votes 43%
    18 votes - 43% of all votes
Total Votes: 42
February 4, 2024 - February 18, 2024
Voting is closed

269: Grinches

269? Nice.

-The full story of EVE Uni’s WH Campus corp theft and eviction

-SNUFF wrecks GalMil’s Network infrastructure on Christmas Eve

-The 2023 Black Mark Awards are on! We break down the nominations. Vote here!

-A recent Noir. Academy grad FCs an AF fleet into Turnur just in time for a super cap brawl


211: Full House feat. FrostEesOP

“I do it in one take.”

-We’re joined by YouTuber and EVE Reporter FrostEesOP for a deep dive on the war and politics of the south

-Frost breaks down what got her into EVE, the beginnings of her channel, how she gets such detailed information for her videos, and a bit about behind-the-scenes production

-Has Delve actually fallen? Yes and no.

-The balkanization of the south as Legacy’s former homeland burns and splits apart

-Noir. on vacation, what’d we get up to?

-Noir. off vacation: SNUFF sets their sights on Rekking Crew, Siege Green, and Dock Workers

-Director level spies and lowsec cap brawls, the cast reports from the front lines

Will PAPI mount a serious invasion of 1DQ before 2022?
  • Yes 65%, 26 votes
    26 votes 65%
    26 votes - 65% of all votes
  • No 35%, 14 votes
    14 votes 35%
    14 votes - 35% of all votes
Total Votes: 40
March 30, 2021 - April 11, 2021
Voting is closed