275: Hole Control feat. Cyrus Kurush

“We decided we’re going to do something about it and we started planning.”

-Cyrus Kurush of SYNDE joins us for a first hand account of the largest war in wormhole space in EVE history

-The dynamics of C5/C6 WH space and the stakes of this conflict between SYNDE, Lazerhawks, and their respective coalitions

-Noir. and Templis CALSF tearing up the warzone in their debut weeks in Guristas militia

-A mysterious structure under construction in Auviken

-Are war decs fun? The fans weigh in with some surprising results

Pick a side:
  • Team HAWKS 52%, 132 votes
    132 votes 52%
    132 votes - 52% of all votes
  • Team SYNDE 48%, 123 votes
    123 votes 48%
    123 votes - 48% of all votes
Total Votes: 255
April 12, 2024 - July 7, 2024
Voting is closed
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