209: Porc’in Across America feat. Auraus Porcaleus


-Youtuber and small gang PVP powerhouse Auraus Porcaleus (AP for short) joins us for a packed extra long episode

-AP’s favorite ships to fly and fight

-How AP finds fights and figures out which fights to make videos for

-Bastions of War Patch breakdown, specifically how these changes will impact the solo and small gang meta

-A HAC nerf? Should all HACs pay the price for the Muninn’s dominance and how badly will this affect their viability in the meta

-Fleet formations goes bolder than any predicted

-Is BRAVE in trouble? An update on the Big War and the toll it’s taking on some alliances

Dictor pilots post-patch:
  • Sabre 71%, 5 votes
    5 votes 71%
    5 votes - 71% of all votes
  • Eris 29%, 2 votes
    2 votes 29%
    2 votes - 29% of all votes
Total Votes: 7
February 25, 2021 - March 21, 2021
Voting is closed

Video bonuses:

207: Massacre

“Ohhhh my god it’s happening!”

-Update on our recent highsec contracts: Bhaalgorn Brawl AAR!

-Black Mark Award nominations revealed!

-The Massacre of M2-XFE: the devastating (in more ways than one) conclusion to EVE’s most biggest battle yet

-Bonus footage: Artimus’ ESS fight


205: The Artist feat. Lloyd George

“You’ve bamboozled me!”

-Famed EVE watercolor artist Lloyd George aka El_Geo joins us for a super cool episode about painting spaceships

-Interview with Lloyd covering his rise as an artist and an EVE player, in particular what goes into his spectacular paintings and how he finds his inspiration

-Noir. Contract: Malpais, in which Dalv goes on an epic killingspree

-The ESS Update: CCP’s best game design ever?

-The Explosion Velocity update detailed

-WWB2 Update: TEST presses the offensive into Delve and Keepstars are approaching one another. Lots of sexual tension. Do Goons have a backup plan?

-Winners of the unofficial 2020 Alliance Tournament are crowned!

How has giving EVE-related gifts to non-players worked out?
  • Haven't Tried 63%, 10 votes
    10 votes 63%
    10 votes - 63% of all votes
  • Great 19%, 3 votes
    3 votes 19%
    3 votes - 19% of all votes
  • Not Great 19%, 3 votes
    3 votes 19%
    3 votes - 19% of all votes
Total Votes: 16
December 6, 2020 - March 21, 2021
Voting is closed