276: Bootstraps feat. Bill Dingha Cynabal

“This story will have an end.”

-A wild Bill Dingha Cynabal appears on the show to discuss his epic Corvette-to-Cynabal challenge

-What has Bill learned from this challenge? What should CCP learn?

-Wormhole War ’24 continues as both sides trade decisive wins in bloody battles

-Noir. Contract Update: The Reef

-Zeero competes in the Anger Games and gives the inside scoop on how the tournament is playing out. How high did the Trash rise this year?!

Should Bill shoot for a Azariel?
  • Yes 72%, 28 votes
    28 votes 72%
    28 votes - 72% of all votes
  • No 28%, 11 votes
    11 votes 28%
    11 votes - 28% of all votes
Total Votes: 39
April 26, 2024 - May 12, 2024
Voting is closed

Alek: Finish your story Bill!

Art by Elliot93

CSM16: Mike Azariah vs Jurius Doctor

It’s a mirror match of sorts as CSM incumbent Mike Azariah and CSM hopeful Jurius Doctor compare notes on new player retention and the direction of the game, the council, and more.

DoW 124: The Craft of Theories

“Stop, Jin can only get so erect!”

  • Ascension launches!
    • PCU over 50k
    • Newbros are pouring in and are fun
    • New tutorial: pretty damn good actually
  • Conflict updates:
    • Tribute war
    • Major capital fights in lowsec (Snuff/SC/Project Mayhem)
    • Stainwagon vs Vanguard
  • Theorycrafting: Sov, battleships, jump ranges, and more. So much more. So much theorycrafting…
  • Host Highlights and more!

DoW Episode 44 w/ Matias “Brave Newbie” Otero

“The Butterfly Effect, the thing that makes EVE unique that you want to find, it’s not in highsec.”

Beyond the headlines,  Matias Otero tells the extraordinary story of Brave Newbies Inc.

-Matias has words about the New Player Experience, TEST, 0.0 politics, EVE University, EVE culture/meta, and war decers

-Poll Discussion: Most Important CSM Summit Session (bonus discussion: what’s Wrong with 0.0), Best Change to Retain New Players (bonus: what’s Wrong with highsec),

-Contract Wrap Up: Re-Awakened Technologies WH defense + POS Takedown

-This Week In Mercs: New Noir. Academy CEO, New changes to war decs (good ones for a change),  New mercs listed

-EVE News: NOTEC, Goons 5 O’Clock Free Carrier Giveaway, Armor Tanking Changes, EVE University vs CCP Security (Nosy Gamer),

-CSM Roundup: DUST 514 Minutes MIA (finally released few days ago), Overview of CSM as Stakeholders in the Summer Expansion process