DoW 109: A Day In The Life

“Double your pleasure, double your fun.”

Feat. Noir. line pilots: Artimus Albosa, Dusky Star, and NA. student Eshika Katelo

-Poll Results: Should all of 0.0 be like Providence?

-CSM Election Fever!

-Content Ring update

-More contract highlights from Vale/Tribute

-Fan Mail: What’s the day to day life of an average Noir. pilot?

DoW 95- Special Guest Mike Azariah

“Which makes sense on so many levels.”

Aleks and Thad are joined by CSM Veteran and Emperor-for-life Mike Azariah; Turtle is back next week.

Poll Results: Who will be on top of Providence by the year’s end?

-EVE News
NC. in Providence
BL dunks Imperium titans despite internal drama
Large WH engagement
New Sindel Pellion song

-NoNotBelieving Update
Providence contract completed with video

-CSM Corner

Ending Music- Sindel Pellion- Blue List

CSM 10 Issue Panel- The Changing Role of the CSM and the CCP/CSM Relationship

We present to you the first of our two CSM 10 candidate round-table style discussions, focusing on the changing role of the CSM and the CCP/CSM dynamic.


  • DomanarK
  • Khador Vess

Issues (not a comprehensive list):

  • CSM Whitepaper
  • Interpretations of the CSM’s mission
  • Access and dissemination of information
  • Repairing a damaged CSM/CCP relationship

Thanks for listening. I’m working on the second roundtable now, look for that in a few hours.

As always, don’t forget to vote.

DoW Ballot

It’s time for the CSMX elections! Very exciting.

This year we have over 75 candidates and unfortunately not a lot of time to get to know them all before the polls open.

While Vote Match is as good a bet as ever, there’s still something to be said for sound advice 😉 And of course I, Noir., and Declarations of War have your back.

The following is our recommended ballot for early voting, with a few words for my top 5.*

1. Psianh Auvyander: Noir.’s official candidate and a damn fine one too. He’s been the CEO of Noir. Academy longer than any of his predecessors. Psianh has deep passion for EVE, experience working with new player issues, and our usual merc dedication to the health of the game. If you liked me, if you liked Mynxee, if you liked Ali Aras, you’ll like Psianh.

2. June Ting: Speaking of Ali, her former alliance mate is an exceptional player. June has a very diplomatic demeanor backed up by a lot of smarts and energy. She’ll be a strong advocate for the player base at all levels of the CSM’s communication spectrum. Her experience as a small 0.0 alliance leader who routinely works with newer players is especially needed given the issues facing CSMX.

3. Bam Stroker: Australians, gotta love ’em. Especially when he’s the organizer of EVE Down Under, one of the most successful non-FanFest player gatherings we’ve ever had. Bam has been a community focused player for a long time with excellent organizational skills and long term planning. M8!

4. Mike Azariah (incumbent): The elder statesman of the CSM, Mike’s done an impeccable job representing a very difficult group of players to poll: the average highsec pilot. He’s articulate, authentic, and able to dialogue with other CSM reps of all stripes.

5. Sugar Kyle (incumbent): Lowsec pilots have no stronger advocate than Sugar Kyle. I’ve seen her in action at EVE Vegas, embodying the value of the CSM in real time at the roundtables. She’s extremely hard working, producing a massive amount of minutes this past year, and a natural problem solver. Send her back to work!

6. Steve Ronuken (incumbent): The best industrialist rep that has ever served on the CSM, in my humble opinion.

7. Manfred Sideous: Probably the most knowledgeable person running about 0.0 mechanics, FCing, large alliance leading, and PVP meta.

8. Xander Phoena (incumbent): Long time friend of the show and fellow podcaster, Xander’s had some controversy recently but none of it shakes my confidence in his capabilities as a great CSM rep.

9. Jayne Fillon: The NPSI community has become very important to nullsec, they should get a rep for what I hope to be the year of null and player org reform.

10. Endie: The best thing about electing the head of the Goon Intelligence Agency is he already knows your concerns before you mail him. He wont need your vote to get in, but give it to him anyway.

11. Ashterothi: CEO, wormholer, podcaster, PVP streamer, and a very thoughtful blogger. Nice combo.

12. corbexx (incumbent): A really standup player and FC, definitely the best WH rep running.

13. and 14. I haven’t picked yet. I’m waiting to see who does great at the Declarations of War Issue Roundtables this weekend.

*We’ll be having our annual issue panels this Sunday. Many candidates I didn’t put on here will be attending. I titled this the “provisional” ballot because I look forward to being surprised by some candidates at our panels.

Join us SUNDAY 17:00, 19:00, and 21:00 GMT on TS3 at, pw: CSMX to join in.