220: FC of the Year feat. Asher Elias

“All those events led up to this one terrible decision…”

-2020 FC of the Year Asher Elias of Goonswam joins us as our special guest

-Goons victorious! What might be next for them and their public enemy #1 TEST

-What a difference a war makes: WWBI retreat vs WWBII trench warfare and how Imperium changed between them

-Behind the scenes stories of WWBI

-The mechanics behind Imperium’s system defense strategy

-Asher breaks down the key turning points and watershed moments of the war

-Fleets that defined the war: Muninns vs Sacrileges vs BS


-The cast breaks down the ATXVII brackets and the path of feeder teams to the main dance

-A brief contract update: Saving a WH from mutiny!

We’re going to pass [Remix]

EVE's true apex predators?
  • HACs 75%, 21 vote
    21 vote 75%
    21 vote - 75% of all votes
  • Battleships 25%, 7 votes
    7 votes 25%
    7 votes - 25% of all votes
Total Votes: 28
August 23, 2021 - September 5, 2021
Voting is closed

205: The Artist feat. Lloyd George

“You’ve bamboozled me!”

-Famed EVE watercolor artist Lloyd George aka El_Geo joins us for a super cool episode about painting spaceships

-Interview with Lloyd covering his rise as an artist and an EVE player, in particular what goes into his spectacular paintings and how he finds his inspiration

-Noir. Contract: Malpais, in which Dalv goes on an epic killingspree

-The ESS Update: CCP’s best game design ever?

-The Explosion Velocity update detailed

-WWB2 Update: TEST presses the offensive into Delve and Keepstars are approaching one another. Lots of sexual tension. Do Goons have a backup plan?

-Winners of the unofficial 2020 Alliance Tournament are crowned!

How has giving EVE-related gifts to non-players worked out?
  • Haven't Tried 63%, 10 votes
    10 votes 63%
    10 votes - 63% of all votes
  • Great 19%, 3 votes
    3 votes 19%
    3 votes - 19% of all votes
  • Not Great 19%, 3 votes
    3 votes 19%
    3 votes - 19% of all votes
Total Votes: 16
December 6, 2020 - March 21, 2021
Voting is closed

160: Is This It?

“Cat ears for all!”


-Shoutouts to the retiring Hugh Caswakk

-The Big War: Holy League withdraws, Legacy surges in the south, and Goons setup 2 big Keepstar showdowns up north

-Wild War 2: EBOLA comes to terms with Cure, POD: still getting their asses kicked, Templis CALSF moves in to GW, a huge 5 way melee in 7Q!

-CCP acquired by Pearl Abyss: Details on the purchase and accompanying statements, a look at who/what Pearl Abyss is, and the implications of both good and bad possible outcomes are explored

CSM XII Candidate Roundtable 2

The second panel discussion with candidates for the CSM. Due to only 10 seats open and so many incumbents running for reelection, this year’s roundtables are focusing on the new blood this election. With Alek, Jin, and Artimus pushing for specifics and asking the hard questions this is a can’t miss if you have any open spots on your ballot.

The particpants:

We covered a wide range of topics including the impact of Citadels on sov/FW, CSM communication, the NPE, and several candidate specific questions.