142: Judgement Day

Feat. an even handed discussion of the CSM Summit Minutes

-Judgement Day: TheJudge’s betrayal, gigX’s ban, and the effective dissolution of CO2

-Exclusive: The MC contract that almost was

-The South: What happens now?

-Point by point CSM Minutes breakdown with Alek and Jin #RealTalk

-Plus: Great Wildlands updates, CVA kills a Citadel with suicide Talwars, and Artimus goes tear krabbing


141: TESTify! w/ XiT StatiK Daphiti

“Because he is alliance leader like me, not some dick suckers”


-XiT StatiK Daphiti of the TEST Alliance Tournament team joins the show for an awesome discussion of the AT and the explosion of the South. Features an amazing dramatic reading for the ages!

-ATXV: TEST’s surprising performance, a breakdown of the finals, and a look at the tournament meta

-The Northern War ends with a whimper

-The Southern War (aka the Balkan Crisis) goes off like a powderkeg!

-TRI vs Phoenix Fed, cracks in Legacy Coalition, hidden agreements set off multi-region war with the DRF, TEST, TRI, CO2, FCON, and more!

-Also, the CSM Summit is happening

-Dramatic Reading: gigX diplomacy

DoW 129: Jeffersonian Scorn


-Outspoken personalities Tyrant Scorn and CSM candidate Vic Jefferson join the show for some spicy discussion and interviews

-BRAVE moves in with TEST and what year is this again?

-MC vs Providence from both sides of the campaign

-Artimus recounts the latest victory of the Nasty Boys at EVE_NT

-CODE. gets robbed!

-CSM Summit Minutes analysis and general throwdown

Ending: We Are Trumper One

Sponsored by the Wardec Project

DoW 125: Mad Libs

In which the audience is encouraged to imagine Alek’s half of the conversation.

-The cast is star studded as Bobmon, Cassidy Skye, and Psypher Locke join the show

-Interview with Bobmon, CSM Rep and former editor-in-chief of EVE News 24

-Mercenary Coalition established Mercenary Academy, we get the inside scoop on their innovative structure to newbie training

-The Tribute war draws to a climax as NC. and Panfam engage the last stronghold of Circle of Test: an armed and operational Keepstar

The New Eden Trade Consortium establishes a lowsec-spanning network of citidels

-Host highlights, CSM insights, and more!

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