CSM XII Candidate Roundtable 2

The second panel discussion with candidates for the CSM. Due to only 10 seats open and so many incumbents running for reelection, this year’s roundtables are focusing on the new blood this election. With Alek, Jin, and Artimus pushing for specifics and asking the hard questions this is a can’t miss if you have any open spots on your ballot.

The particpants:

We covered a wide range of topics including the impact of Citadels on sov/FW, CSM communication, the NPE, and several candidate specific questions.

CSM XII Candidate Roundtable 1

The first of two panel discussions with candidates for the CSM. Due to only 10 seats open and so many incumbents running for reelection, this year’s roundtables are focusing on the new blood this election. With Alek, Jin, and Artimus pushing for specifics and asking the hard questions this is a can’t miss if you have any open spots on your ballot.

Today we’re joined by:

The discussion covered a wide range of topics including the impact of Citadels on sov/FW, CSM communication, the impact of a 10 person council, and several candidate specific questions.

DoW 119: The Zkill Guide to Declarations of War

“Have you done the Talos yet?”

-Feat. special guest Rhiload, creator of the Zkill Ship Guides and purveyor of dank memes

-Link changes incoming! The day before the dev blog we go over the changes to leadership boosts discussed on the o7 show

-Command ships on field, what to expect!

-SH1-6P becomes a titan graveyard

-Clash of the Cohosts: Alek and Jin square off over the “Open Letter to CCP”

-Rhiload muses about putting out two guides in a week and what ship to do next

-Alek give a play by play of Theomachy, the best EVE Online live event ever

Ending:  Ren’ai Circulation (NOSLO Remix)

DoW 66.2 “This Whole CSM Thing”

“So here’s the thing…”

Feat. StarConquer212, Synsational, and a lot of realtalk

-Changes to interceptor agility and an expansion of things you can overheat

-Omnidirectional Tracking Links turned into scripted, active modules with the same strengths as turret tracking computers

-Nerfing the Elephant in the Room: Alek is not pleased that sentry drones and their upgrades are being targeted for nerfs that don’t address the underlying problem of drone assist. A discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of the drones as a weapon system ensues

-Meh: Dreads get a slight tracking nerf unless paired with carriers but StarConquer and Turtle explain why it’s not really a big deal

-Expectedly Safe Structures: The MJD Array, the Dscan Disruptor

-Extremely Scandalous Structures: More frustratingly designed siphons, “ESSgate”

-Ali likes the ESS, Alek hates that she likes the ESS, a feeding frenzy on the numerous design issues of the ESS ensues 

-The Big Question: Are these deployable structures a product of reluctance to deal with the core issues holding EVE back?

-Case Study: StarConquer brings up the lack of alliance bookmarks as a major failure of CSM8 WH advocacy which leads to a discussion of a dearth of major features with widespread consensus on value compared to the controversial little features like the ESS

-A Question of Faith: Can CCP actually deliver on their 3 year roadmap and if so where are the landmarks we should be looking for to see progress? And if/when they do get there will it be a compelling enough destination to retain the new players it attracts?

-Where were we? Oh yeah: the ESS. At great length. 

-Jester’s Trudge: CSM Vice Chair Ripard Teg put out a touchstone post called “Another Way of Saying ‘Never'”

-Voyeurism: “EVE is way more fun to read about than it is to play” hits home to most of the cast and we explore why that is

-The Ultimate Irony: Springboard expansions have nothing to jump off too, we’re talking about increasing the peak concurrent user count for a game which crashes because single system capcity is exceeded during fights, and EVE’s  fundamental gameplay dynamic is painfully out of date