DoW 83: Preemptive Minutesgate

“Oh…That was a joke introduction but…”

-Ali Aras is back from the CSM Summit and DoW is here to give you the latest

-Alek reminds Turtle that all Declarations of War polls, despite missing from a few shows, are very serious and conducted with the utmost scientific rigor.

EVE News: Revenant event major let down due to technical problems, Battle Report from FRONT fight with BL+PL+Shadow Cartel+EE+DT, Catch vs Provi continues with the Bloodbath in BR

Contract: Suddenly Syndicate

This Week in Mercs: Narwhals Ate My Duck collapses

CSM Corner: Alek grills Ali on the results of the recent CSM Summit. Topics include null changes, minutes release date, and much more!

Noir. History: The first merc alliance we ever joined, Noir. in Trinity Nova

EndingGirl, That’s a Booty Hole Remix

Brought to you by EVE Time CodeEVE-Bet, and our awesome listeners!


DoW 81: Can I Bring My Drake?

“Tora Bushido writes in with a dedication to Ynot…”

Ynot Eyob, leader of The Obsidian Front, joins us as our special guest

EVE News: Battlement Coalition forms to up pressure on Goons, Provi/Catch war escalates, EVE gets hit by DDoS

Contract Wrap Up: AT12

This Week In Mercs: Marmite Collective talks shit and drops war decs they never show up to. Must be Tuesday.

CSM Corner: SomerGate 2014

Dramatic Reading: Tora Bushido Freaks Out

-Alek and Ynot bond. It’s pretty magical.

Ending Music: Jackson 5 – I Want You Back

DoW 79: Kings of Snuff


-Special guests from Snuff Box: ex-Noir. Academy CEO Brother Zahariel and Wex Manchester

-Filling in for NinjaTurtle this week is Noir. veteran, FC, and financier Kingblade

EVE News: Crius deploys shortly after we record so we have a last minute review of features and likely impacts, PCU Count vs In Game Activity: Is EVE Dying or Just Changing?, Kugutsumen shuts down

Contract Wrap Up: Scrimming on Duality sucks hardcore, along with most of the setups Noir. tested this weekend

This Week In Mercs: A look at the Marmite Collective vs Pursuit of Happiness feud

CSM Corner: CCP is on vacation aside from the Crius deployment, the participants of the next summit have been announced

Ending Song: Sailor Moon Theme (classic 😉 )

CSM9 Issue Panel: Sov, Power Projection, and PVP Balance

Feat. Angry Mustache, Gorski Car, Psianh Auvyander, and Xander Phoena


-What direction/perspective do you approach ship balancing from?

-Small gang objectives vs balancing large fleets

-Farms and Fields

-Can we ever get away from shooting structures?

-Power projection vs localized content