DoW 88: Freeport Emma Watson

“Five and a convo.”

Special Guest: Thaddeus Drake, PVP director for Noir.’s most recent contract target Violent Declaration

-Thaddeus talks about his rise from new player to CEO and FC of a young alliance

Poll Results: Was Phoebe a success?

EVE News:

Contract Wrap Up: Sukanen Slobberknocker, feat. Thaddeus giving the target’s perspective of the campaign

Major announcement of the New Eden Grand Prix, Jan. 17th at 18:00 

CSM Corner:

  • Rhea patch rundown
  • CCP Greyscale now just regular Greyscale
  • Industry Teams removed in a rare, possibly first time, feature removal
  • CSM X campaign madness begins

DoW Episode 44 w/ Matias “Brave Newbie” Otero

“The Butterfly Effect, the thing that makes EVE unique that you want to find, it’s not in highsec.”

Beyond the headlines,  Matias Otero tells the extraordinary story of Brave Newbies Inc.

-Matias has words about the New Player Experience, TEST, 0.0 politics, EVE University, EVE culture/meta, and war decers

-Poll Discussion: Most Important CSM Summit Session (bonus discussion: what’s Wrong with 0.0), Best Change to Retain New Players (bonus: what’s Wrong with highsec),

-Contract Wrap Up: Re-Awakened Technologies WH defense + POS Takedown

-This Week In Mercs: New Noir. Academy CEO, New changes to war decs (good ones for a change),  New mercs listed

-EVE News: NOTEC, Goons 5 O’Clock Free Carrier Giveaway, Armor Tanking Changes, EVE University vs CCP Security (Nosy Gamer),

-CSM Roundup: DUST 514 Minutes MIA (finally released few days ago), Overview of CSM as Stakeholders in the Summer Expansion process

DoW Episode 43 – ‘Phone calls of a sexual nature’

-Turtle and Alek joined by Deletor (and later Hanthion T Chlovirissian) from Noir. Academy and Puppy UK from EVE Co-Pilot on Youtube
-Milwaukee, WI meetup EVE-O thread:
-Video guides, EVE tutorials, and the direction CCP should take the NPE
-Poll Discussion: the BC changes
-Contract Wrap Up: NA. deploys to Syndicate
-Theorycrafting the Micro Jump Drive
-This Week in Mercs: Chitsa Jason launches CSM campaign
-News: CFC/Test reset, Battle of Asakai, RvB Poinen rumble, armor tanking changes
-CSM Update: Progress on the CSM-as-Stakeholder, next expansion theme picked, CSM8 candidates announce early