144: Be Kind, Refine

To be fair, it’s decaff coffee


The cast returns to discuss all things Lifeblood. Also we discuss the time FCON was still alive.

-gigX *handedly* wins our latest poll

-Lifeblood beyond the patchnotes; what are new market realities in EVE?

-MC takes contract against TRI in the South

-The Culture cedes Fountain to The Imperium

-An “update” on the PL/Provi/TEST “war”

-Host Highlights: Alek breeds, Jin wins a fight, and Artimus saves a Nyx in need

142: Judgement Day

Feat. an even handed discussion of the CSM Summit Minutes

-Judgement Day: TheJudge’s betrayal, gigX’s ban, and the effective dissolution of CO2

-Exclusive: The MC contract that almost was

-The South: What happens now?

-Point by point CSM Minutes breakdown with Alek and Jin #RealTalk

-Plus: Great Wildlands updates, CVA kills a Citadel with suicide Talwars, and Artimus goes tear krabbing


The Month of RHEEEEEE (136)

*A* Reddit thread?!

Show has a new intro; Goons fail a dread bomb but kill a Keepstar in two massive fights; Reddit explodes over fighter nerfs and Ghost Training; CCP’s + CSM’s responses to the controversy; Fixing Citadels+Aegis, lessons forgotten from Dominion sov; T3 Rebalance reviewed; Fighting breaks out in Great Wildlands