DoW 108: The Last Scion

Recruit like you give a fuck”

-CVA director Betheny Chanlin joins the cast for an inside look at Provibloc

-Betheny and the cast discuss role playing, Australia, wife aggro, public station economics, the history of Providence, recruitment and more!

-2015 Black Mark Awards winners announced and some of them even turn up on the show!

-EVE Uni experimenting with hot drops, landed on the wrong mofo

-Machariels: Why are they so good and how do you kill them?

-MC goes on contract against the alliances of Tribute and Vale

Music: DeLux Jam

DoW 92: A Whole New World

Short episode this week but thanks for listening all the same. I’m headed off to Fanfest in just a few hours and while we’re not doing any live coverage this year, I’ll still be taking notes diligently for a recap when I get back. Player presentations are supposedly streamed this year so catch mine Saturday at 3pm for a good laugh!

EVE News:

No Not Believing Update

This Week in Mercs:

  • Mercenary fanfiction continues with Gevlon vs Seraph

DoW 89: And To All A Good Night

“Because of Falcon.”

It’s Christmas, we’re all in misery!

Just kidding. The DoW cast gathers over the holiday season to bring you a short, chillaxed episode.

-No one cares about Geminate

-No Xmas invasion this year? 🙁

Providence Christmas Tree! 

-The Black Mark Awards are back this year, Alek runs down the categories and nominees

New Eden Grand Prix updates

-Happy New Year!!!

DoW 81: Can I Bring My Drake?

“Tora Bushido writes in with a dedication to Ynot…”

Ynot Eyob, leader of The Obsidian Front, joins us as our special guest

EVE News: Battlement Coalition forms to up pressure on Goons, Provi/Catch war escalates, EVE gets hit by DDoS

Contract Wrap Up: AT12

This Week In Mercs: Marmite Collective talks shit and drops war decs they never show up to. Must be Tuesday.

CSM Corner: SomerGate 2014

Dramatic Reading: Tora Bushido Freaks Out

-Alek and Ynot bond. It’s pretty magical.

Ending Music: Jackson 5 – I Want You Back