DoW 125: Mad Libs

In which the audience is encouraged to imagine Alek’s half of the conversation.

-The cast is star studded as Bobmon, Cassidy Skye, and Psypher Locke join the show

-Interview with Bobmon, CSM Rep and former editor-in-chief of EVE News 24

-Mercenary Coalition established Mercenary Academy, we get the inside scoop on their innovative structure to newbie training

-The Tribute war draws to a climax as NC. and Panfam engage the last stronghold of Circle of Test: an armed and operational Keepstar

The New Eden Trade Consortium establishes a lowsec-spanning network of citidels

-Host highlights, CSM insights, and more!

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DoW 121: PANIC Button

“In which we discuss mining links”

-Artimus Albosa from MC’s AT team joins the show

-Artimus gives an inside perspective on flying in the tournament while Jin retells his experience as a commentator

-Mining Foreman changes open up some interesting PVP opportunities

-PL/Horde/NC. invade CO2/TEST’s Tribute

-TRI deploys again Provibloc

-Update on the Imperium in Querious

-CCP announces tweaks to Alpha clones based on community feedback

-Host highlights, the latest on Alek’s Capitalist Army, and more!

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DoW 120: Apothnecarry

“The Planet Hollywood fuckin sucks.”

-Apothne joins the show for the first time as our special guest host!

-Poll: Regarding Sov, who is more right: Alek, Jin, or Rhiload?

-Command bonus numbers are released and they’re pretty sweet

-INIT moves into Cloud Ring as TISHU collapses

-A look at EVE’s Free to Play future, including impact on PVP, the economy, and more!

-CSM Summit report from Jin’Taan

-AT Predictions!

-Alek shamelessly plugs his new corp as Jin relates drunken tales from EVE_NT

DoW 119: The Zkill Guide to Declarations of War

“Have you done the Talos yet?”

-Feat. special guest Rhiload, creator of the Zkill Ship Guides and purveyor of dank memes

-Link changes incoming! The day before the dev blog we go over the changes to leadership boosts discussed on the o7 show

-Command ships on field, what to expect!

-SH1-6P becomes a titan graveyard

-Clash of the Cohosts: Alek and Jin square off over the “Open Letter to CCP”

-Rhiload muses about putting out two guides in a week and what ship to do next

-Alek give a play by play of Theomachy, the best EVE Online live event ever

Ending:  Ren’ai Circulation (NOSLO Remix)