141: TESTify! w/ XiT StatiK Daphiti

“Because he is alliance leader like me, not some dick suckers”


-XiT StatiK Daphiti of the TEST Alliance Tournament team joins the show for an awesome discussion of the AT and the explosion of the South. Features an amazing dramatic reading for the ages!

-ATXV: TEST’s surprising performance, a breakdown of the finals, and a look at the tournament meta

-The Northern War ends with a whimper

-The Southern War (aka the Balkan Crisis) goes off like a powderkeg!

-TRI vs Phoenix Fed, cracks in Legacy Coalition, hidden agreements set off multi-region war with the DRF, TEST, TRI, CO2, FCON, and more!

-Also, the CSM Summit is happening

-Dramatic Reading: gigX diplomacy

The Month of RHEEEEEE (136)

*A* Reddit thread?!

Show has a new intro; Goons fail a dread bomb but kill a Keepstar in two massive fights; Reddit explodes over fighter nerfs and Ghost Training; CCP’s + CSM’s responses to the controversy; Fixing Citadels+Aegis, lessons forgotten from Dominion sov; T3 Rebalance reviewed; Fighting breaks out in Great Wildlands

The Hentai Games feat. Riela Tanal

“Provietnam will rise again”

-Riela Tanal, creator of Theomachy, joins the show as our special guest

-We pick Riela’s brain about the behind-the-scenes of EVE’s best live event

-VOLT has a negative % chance of keeping their space by 2018

-Jintaan returns! His long overdue thoughts on Fanfest, the new CSM, and more

-The Anime War: Jin is Content Moses, leading the Weebish people to prosperity and good fights

-The cast reveals their waifus and competes to pitch non-anime-fan Artimus on which series to kick start his anime addiction

Vanquisher down! The first loss of a faction titan in EVE

-Host highlights: Alek whips out his cartography skills, Jin gets reelected, Artimus gears up for the AT, and Riela almost hits 200 registrants for Theomachy

Ending: LeetStreet Boys – Yuri the one for me

Citadel Fest w/ Yukiko Kami

“Pretty easy considering his citizens respawn regularly”

-Fresh off election to the CSM, Yukiko Kami joins the show as our special guest

-Speaking of, we have a new CSM! What does the future look like for CSM12?

-FanFest! We break down all the new announcements and features including faction citadels and Blood Raiders shipyards.

-Tensions rise in the south as Goonswarm clashes with TEST/C02 over structures

-Turns out our Wrestlemania predictions were terrible

End Song: It’s a New Day, yes it is!