155: CSM13 Candidate Roundtable w Suitonia, Commander Aze, and Brisc Rubal

“Whoever picked out the URL briscforcsm.win deserves a bonus”


-In addition to getting to know some of 2018’s most promising CSM candidates, this years roundtable takes on war decs, balancing, transparency, and what each candidate thinks will be the next CSM’s biggest challenge

Suitonia: Our only incumbent on the show, Suitonia is best known for his prolific content creation on YouTube and Good Posting. As a CSM representative he’s been a huge contributor to CCP’s recent balancing efforts, particularly on Assault Frigates, underused Destroyers, and T1 Cruisers. Suitonia seeks reelection this year on the back of his packed resume, long list of endorsements, and a proud performance on CSM12.

Commander Aze: Try, try, try again. Commander Aze has run for CSM several times before, coming close but never being elected. Aze hopes to follow in the foot steps of Mike Azariah and have his persistence pay off this year. What’s different this year around? In addition to deepening his background with empire gameplay like the War Dec Project, Aze has expanded his horizons to include both wormholes and nullsec.

Brisc Rubal: Brisc is running to represent the line members of the Imperium and nullsec alliances around the game. A faithful pilot of the Initiative, Brisc has seen the PVE and PVP offerings of nullsec both large and small but is not an FC, director, or diplomat. But he does have leadership experience IRL where he has been involved in US politics for quite some time. He’s hoping his professional lobbying expertise blended with his everyman EVE experience makes him an effective member of the CSM.

DoW Episode 44 w/ Matias “Brave Newbie” Otero

“The Butterfly Effect, the thing that makes EVE unique that you want to find, it’s not in highsec.”

Beyond the headlines,  Matias Otero tells the extraordinary story of Brave Newbies Inc.

-Matias has words about the New Player Experience, TEST, 0.0 politics, EVE University, EVE culture/meta, and war decers

-Poll Discussion: Most Important CSM Summit Session (bonus discussion: what’s Wrong with 0.0), Best Change to Retain New Players (bonus: what’s Wrong with highsec),

-Contract Wrap Up: Re-Awakened Technologies WH defense + POS Takedown

-This Week In Mercs: New Noir. Academy CEO, New changes to war decs (good ones for a change),  New mercs listed

-EVE News: NOTEC, Goons 5 O’Clock Free Carrier Giveaway, Armor Tanking Changes, EVE University vs CCP Security (Nosy Gamer),

-CSM Roundup: DUST 514 Minutes MIA (finally released few days ago), Overview of CSM as Stakeholders in the Summer Expansion process