DoW 121: PANIC Button

“In which we discuss mining links”

-Artimus Albosa from MC’s AT team joins the show

-Artimus gives an inside perspective on flying in the tournament while Jin retells his experience as a commentator

-Mining Foreman changes open up some interesting PVP opportunities

-PL/Horde/NC. invade CO2/TEST’s Tribute

-TRI deploys again Provibloc

-Update on the Imperium in Querious

-CCP announces tweaks to Alpha clones based on community feedback

-Host highlights, the latest on Alek’s Capitalist Army, and more!

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DoW 120: Apothnecarry

“The Planet Hollywood fuckin sucks.”

-Apothne joins the show for the first time as our special guest host!

-Poll: Regarding Sov, who is more right: Alek, Jin, or Rhiload?

-Command bonus numbers are released and they’re pretty sweet

-INIT moves into Cloud Ring as TISHU collapses

-A look at EVE’s Free to Play future, including impact on PVP, the economy, and more!

-CSM Summit report from Jin’Taan

-AT Predictions!

-Alek shamelessly plugs his new corp as Jin relates drunken tales from EVE_NT

DoW 119: The Zkill Guide to Declarations of War

“Have you done the Talos yet?”

-Feat. special guest Rhiload, creator of the Zkill Ship Guides and purveyor of dank memes

-Link changes incoming! The day before the dev blog we go over the changes to leadership boosts discussed on the o7 show

-Command ships on field, what to expect!

-SH1-6P becomes a titan graveyard

-Clash of the Cohosts: Alek and Jin square off over the “Open Letter to CCP”

-Rhiload muses about putting out two guides in a week and what ship to do next

-Alek give a play by play of Theomachy, the best EVE Online live event ever

Ending:  Ren’ai Circulation (NOSLO Remix)

DoW 118: The Next Chapter

“Turns out a lot of these regions are really edgy.”

-Poll: Should prize ships be allowed in the Alliance Tournament?

ATXIV teams are set and prizes are revealed! Alek and Jin cream over the newest OP ships in the game and give their picks for this year’s dark horse

-WWB officially over! A look at the politics of the southwest as Goons relocate to Delve

-CSM update! Improving communication and preparing for the summit

-Beloved noob Stevie McStevo sends in a Stone Cold Fit of the Century of the Week battle report

-Dramatic region readings!