175: On the Move

“I can endorse Mike Azariah.”


CSM Elections are underway! The gang talks candidates and controversy

-Major battles in null an lowsec from Tribute to Placid, Delve to Detorid

-Skill Urself disbands, casting the Drone Regions into disarray. Who will fill the void?

-Triglavians invade! Artimus breaks down what we know about this new content while Alek and Laeve dissect the new Trig ships

173: Briscy Business feat. Brisc Rubal

“Confidentiality is a big deal for attorneys; this put my license in jeopardy.”


The Rubal Report: Brisc is cleared of wrongdoing by a CCP investigation of their initial investigation. What went on behind the scenes and what does it mean for Brisc, the CSM, and CCP going forward?

-CCP Ghost on the Destiny/TriHex podcast (listen later)

-Chinese powerhouse alliance PIBC leaves EVE China for Tranquility

172: A Few Minutes Later w/ Commander Aze

“This isn’t fucking CNN; you can’t Trump Playbook this shit.”


-Frequent CSM candidate Commander Aze joins the show once again for this packed episode

-Worth the Wait: We finally deep dive into the CSM Minutes and Artimus has literal pages of notes

-Briscy Business: Brisc Rubal is removed from the CSM and banned for life for NDA violations, which he denies

-Aze’s Announcement: Due to the highly public nature of CCP’s announcement RE Brisc, Aze rethinks his goals

169: Press F for Alliance Tournament

“Kinda feels like people going through the motions…”


The Alliance Tournament is no more?

-Suff vs Lowsec: Heimatar and Bleaklands assault highlights their strategic growth over the years

-The stakes get dramatically raised in the south east as Legacy and DRF join forces against Skillurself and FRT. Inactivity and pressure from Scalding Pass’ Laughing Buddha coalition cause Scourge. to collapse into Skill Urself, merging All The Wars.

-BURN JITA2019!!! Over 200bil claimed as day 1 comes to a close as we record this episode