215: Crow Killers

“There are a lot of players in nullsec that should really be in highsec”

Nullification Changes: CCP reworks interdiction nullification to expand the ships that can use it’s new version, bury the interceptors that already had it, and generally up the difficulty (of finding targets) for PVPers everywhere

-Also, warp core stabilizers got an interesting rework: much more safety for -50% drone DPS

Mobile Observatories have finally come! We discuss this game changing feature for cloak addicts like Noir.

-Speaking of Noir. Contract Updates! You won’t want to miss the details on this wild lowsec brawl

CSM election season begins! The cast highlights some interesting names on the ballot

Were nullified fleet interceptors a problem?
  • No 86%, 24 votes
    24 votes 86%
    24 votes - 86% of all votes
  • Yes 14%, 4 votes
    4 votes 14%
    4 votes - 14% of all votes
Total Votes: 28
May 25, 2021 - June 5, 2021
Voting is closed

CSM15 Candidate Roundtable 1

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-The all M edition featuring Meredith en Thielles, Mike Azariah, and Murray Rothbardo

-Topics: Not-New-Player Retention, the CSM and EVE’s storyline, and Logistics balance

195: Viral Content feat. Laevateinn and Kravma

Stay home. Wear masks. Keep your distance. Disinfect.

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-Laevateinn and Kravma return for this jam packed episode!

-Laev, MD reports from the front lines of the NHS’s effort to combat COVID-19

-Artimus weighs in on the CSM Minutes regarding interdiction nullification

-Noir.’s Cloud Ring contract vs INIT

-Noir. takes on its first solo Fortizar in a for-funsies WH eviction

-Masterclass: Theorycrafting Drakes vs Cyclones vs Harbingers for hitting Jump Bridges

194: CSM14 Summit Minutes

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In which Alek, Andy, and Artimus dive DEEP and HARD into the recently released CSM Summit minutes.

Download the minutes for yourself: https://web.ccpgamescdn.com/aws/community/CSM14SecondSummitMinutes.pdf