227: Alek vs The Mittani

That guy Remedial knew from Lordless”

The Mittani sends his regards to the Declarations of War faithful as Alek goes one on one with the King of Space himself.

This epic interview spans the length and breadth of Mittani’s +15 year EVE career from starting out before Goonswarm was an in-game entity, his rise to establishing the Goon intelligence apparatus and later running the alliance, the Great War, the evolution of Goonswarm’s coalition into The Imperium, both WWBI and II (Casino and Beeitnam wars, respectively), the CSM, scarcity, and everything else in between.

The spice must flow and this one gets spicy indeed!

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Buy furniture from The Mittani! #BeeChic #Couches4TEST

Has this interview changed how you see The Mittani?
  • Yes, I see him more favorably now 62%, 38 votes
    38 votes 62%
    38 votes - 62% of all votes
  • No, pretty much the same 33%, 20 votes
    20 votes 33%
    20 votes - 33% of all votes
  • Yes, I see him less favorably now 5%, 3 votes
    3 votes 5%
    3 votes - 5% of all votes
Total Votes: 61
November 30, 2021 - December 13, 2021
Voting is closed

219: Space Stalingrad feat. Dunk Dinkle


-Interview with newly minted leader of BRAVE, Dunk Dinkle

-WWB2’s shocking end: all the fall out and drama from TEST/PAPI’s sudden collapse and withdrawl

-What’s next for TEST? Imperium? BRAVE? FRT? PanFam?

-A bit of fun: Alliance Power Rankings

Will Imperium begin a revenge offensive before Jan 2022?
  • Yes 84%, 69 votes
    69 votes 84%
    69 votes - 84% of all votes
  • No 10%, 8 votes
    8 votes 10%
    8 votes - 10% of all votes
  • It will be in 2022, not before 6%, 5 votes
    5 votes 6%
    5 votes - 6% of all votes
Total Votes: 82
August 9, 2021 - August 23, 2021
Voting is closed

216: Bridge to Nowhere

Wouldn’t it be wild if it INCREASED retention?”

CSM election results

-Summer of Apathy: Pop-Up Gate ignites latent rage, frustration, and mistrust

-The 1st Pochven War results in irreplaceable losses

We’ve got new gates! CCP connects long-isolated regions and some not long enough isolated ones

May Monthly Economic Report released and Alek goes off about bots and the hunting meta (CCP Rise’s general response)

Black Ops BS get some slick new buffs and a new jump mechanic option with some real potential

Search your heart: Would you stop playing if you got the PLEX pop up after 1st death?
  • No 48%, 20 votes
    20 votes 48%
    20 votes - 48% of all votes
  • Yes 26%, 11 votes
    11 votes 26%
    11 votes - 26% of all votes
  • I'm honestly not sure 26%, 11 votes
    11 votes 26%
    11 votes - 26% of all votes
Total Votes: 42
June 29, 2021 - July 27, 2021
Voting is closed

215: Crow Killers

“There are a lot of players in nullsec that should really be in highsec”

Nullification Changes: CCP reworks interdiction nullification to expand the ships that can use it’s new version, bury the interceptors that already had it, and generally up the difficulty (of finding targets) for PVPers everywhere

-Also, warp core stabilizers got an interesting rework: much more safety for -50% drone DPS

Mobile Observatories have finally come! We discuss this game changing feature for cloak addicts like Noir.

-Speaking of Noir. Contract Updates! You won’t want to miss the details on this wild lowsec brawl

CSM election season begins! The cast highlights some interesting names on the ballot

Were nullified fleet interceptors a problem?
  • No 86%, 24 votes
    24 votes 86%
    24 votes - 86% of all votes
  • Yes 14%, 4 votes
    4 votes 14%
    4 votes - 14% of all votes
Total Votes: 28
May 25, 2021 - June 5, 2021
Voting is closed