209: Porc’in Across America feat. Auraus Porcaleus


-Youtuber and small gang PVP powerhouse Auraus Porcaleus (AP for short) joins us for a packed extra long episode

-AP’s favorite ships to fly and fight

-How AP finds fights and figures out which fights to make videos for

-Bastions of War Patch breakdown, specifically how these changes will impact the solo and small gang meta

-A HAC nerf? Should all HACs pay the price for the Muninn’s dominance and how badly will this affect their viability in the meta

-Fleet formations goes bolder than any predicted

-Is BRAVE in trouble? An update on the Big War and the toll it’s taking on some alliances

Dictor pilots post-patch:
  • Sabre 71%, 5 votes
    5 votes 71%
    5 votes - 71% of all votes
  • Eris 29%, 2 votes
    2 votes 29%
    2 votes - 29% of all votes
Total Votes: 7
February 25, 2021 - March 21, 2021
Voting is closed

Video bonuses:

203: Super Potato Mode feat. Sindrakin Gorion

“I think they did it because they are cowards” 

-Sindrakin Gorion joins us, FC for ChemiKals and the Goon with the most Noir. kills in Delve

-Sindrakin recounts his experience being a small gang FC in the Imperium and numerous fights with Noir. fleets, including handing out wipes to both Alek and Laeve

-Breakthrough in WWB2? Attackers anchor a Keepstar in Delve as a carefully planned Imperium titan trap is foiled by sever problems

-Triglavian invasion plans fully realized as the new Pochven region takes shape, to the disappointment of just about everyone

-Discussion of recent balance announcements including a total rework of the Eris and the realization of the mothership power fantasy

-Noir. Contract Update: Killing a Watchman Raitaru in highsec yields several multi billion ISK fleet fights

CSM15 Candidate Roundtable 1

Download Link

-The all M edition featuring Meredith en Thielles, Mike Azariah, and Murray Rothbardo

-Topics: Not-New-Player Retention, the CSM and EVE’s storyline, and Logistics balance