176: The Pandemic Horde Variety Hour feat. Nidia Masters

“The idea is that Toronto’s a shithole”


-Nidia talks about his experience at EVE North, questionably held in the “city” of Toronto

-CSM election results analyzed

-Triglavians hit Citadels! Is this divine grace or infernal madness? Nullsec residents vs roamers debate (NOTE: recorded pre-local blackout announcement)

-CCP’s “Starter” packs and the Pay to Skill controversy

-Highlights: Another badass battle for Alek’s 9UY Freeport Fort, Artimus invades another WH, and Laeve whips out hyperspatial Cynabals

170: On Guard w/ Dian Lung

“CCP Guard is basically my favorite human.”


-Dian, reloader of Hellcats Reloaded, joins us for an International Women’s Day edition of DoW

-CCP Guard leaves CCP, becoming Regular Guard

-Alekseyev disbands The Network; Capitalist Army to TemplisCALSF

-Wardecs get a major overhaul. What’s next for highsec combat?

-Snuff rolling lowsec with titans and numerous blingy ships die

-Providence continues to RF the 9UY Black Market, Alek has time of his life blowing them up with the Fort guns

168: 100% Jin’taan Personal Views

“You know what I mean.”



-Jin’taan and Nidia Masters return for an absolutely unforgettable episode

-What has Jin been up to? Is INIT better than TEST? What’s up with the CSM?

-Nidia talks all things Pandemic Horde

-Our hosts and guests wax poetically about the early days of EVE and their fond memories of Providence, UNITY, and anarcho-capitalism

-An update on the war in Scalding Pass from Neighborhood Watch block captain Alekseyev Karrde

167: The Smug Show w/ Boom Boom Longtime

“Let me hear you say wayo!”


-Famed ISK doubler and Amarr Local socialite Boom Boom Longtime details his journey from Noir. Academy to infamous scammer

-A personal behind-the-scenes account of the historic 9UY Black Market

-What could the Black Market mean for Providence and EVE?

-TEST’s Geminate offensive fizzles, while PanFam counters in highsec! Laeve reports live from the reinforcement fight for TEST’s Perimeter Keepstar

-The war for Scalding Pass continues as smaller alliances push back against Scourge and Fraternity

-Artimus anime corruption update