259: Eagle Guys feat. Kanari Xadi

“Wouldn’t count on that”

-Leader of new merc alliance Blood Eagle Syndicate, Kanari Xadi, joins the show to discuss their experiences in FW and the merc biz

-Contract: Burn Kor-Azor

-Faction Warzone updates

-EVEPraisal shuts its doors

-CSM18 election details released!

-New Guristas Corax?

238: CSM17 Roundtable #2 feat. Stitch, Arsia, and Phantomite

-Stitch Kaneland, Arsia Elkin, and Phantomite join us for a very special lowsec edition of the CSM roundtables

-With no Alek in sight, Zeero and Diamond put these three candidates through their paces on lowsec, force projection, and how well they will (or wont!) work with the nullsec reps in CSM17

-Speaking of, accusations of misconduct fly as we get into #6RealTalk territory with our CSM16 incumbents