282: Escalations

“Lowsec is alive and well”

-Round 2 of Equinox adjustments as CCP responds to a rare united front by nullsec coalition leaders

-CYNO vs EVE Uni grinds on, and on, and on

-A meme war in Providence gets real serious real fast

-Begun the Moon Wars Have: 2 TRILLION ISK destroyed as major powers clash over lowsec Metanox drills

-Meanwhile, in WH space: Zeero and Alek discuss their highlights of living and PVPing in low-end wormholes

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Will your corporation make a try for a Metanox moon this year?

279: The Equinox Patch feat. Brisc Rubal

“By God I am taking credit for Micro Jump Drives on Carriers”

-Legendary Best Guest/CSM Rep Brisc Rubal joins us for a jam packed patch notes episode!

-SKINR: What’s fair and unfair to criticize about the long asked for but questionably implemented customization feature?

-Skyhooks, Metanox, and the future of Sov Warfare

-Imperium vs Panda Fam hostilities in Catch recapped. What goes into the strategic planning of these coalition-sized conflicts when the game mechanics get shaken up?

-CARRIER BUFF HOLY SHIT! I mean, ahem, carriers get a new, much-needed direction for their ship class but are a bit pre-nerfed in their new role

-FW Love: Pirate Insurgencies get Front-Lined and FW battlefields now play as expected

-New ships! New planets! Art department nails it

-Corps get tools for LP taxation and basic automated SRP

-New ship hanger looks pretty cool, but will it get annoying?

-Pochven’s seagulls get their wings clipped while C5/C6 wormhole PVE takes a hit

-Closing thoughts on the WH war of ’24

-Alek and Zeero share some great battlereports

The Equinox Patch
  • Whelmed 62%, 13 votes
    13 votes 62%
    13 votes - 62% of all votes
  • Underwhelmed 29%, 6 votes
    6 votes 29%
    6 votes - 29% of all votes
  • Overwhelmed 10%, 2 votes
    2 votes 10%
    2 votes - 10% of all votes
Total Votes: 21
June 11, 2024 - July 7, 2024
Voting is closed

274: Angels and Devils

“That’s a bit more than EVE O Preview”

-Contract Update: WH POS/POCOs, FW Farmers, highsec Azbel, and Noir.’s first week in Guristas Faction Warfare
-Imperium and PandaFam square up in Catch and highsec
-SRS Fortizars become the latest high profile highsec war HQs to fall
-Hisec wardec mechanics update – reffing your own war HQ before the war goes live to extend the war to minimum of 6 days
-CCP begins the new expansion hypetrain with in-game event and lore drops

-Alek tries Vortron Projectors while Zeero unlocks his Stand in nullsec

Are war decs fun?
  • Yes 38%, 15 votes
    15 votes 38%
    15 votes - 38% of all votes
  • Yes, but only if you're attacking 28%, 11 votes
    11 votes 28%
    11 votes - 28% of all votes
  • No 23%, 9 votes
    9 votes 23%
    9 votes - 23% of all votes
  • I've never been wardec'd 10%, 4 votes
    4 votes 10%
    4 votes - 10% of all votes
Total Votes: 39
March 24, 2024 - April 7, 2024
Voting is closed

269: Grinches

269? Nice.

-The full story of EVE Uni’s WH Campus corp theft and eviction

-SNUFF wrecks GalMil’s Network infrastructure on Christmas Eve

-The 2023 Black Mark Awards are on! We break down the nominations. Vote here!

-A recent Noir. Academy grad FCs an AF fleet into Turnur just in time for a super cap brawl