-Special guests from Snuff Box: ex-Noir. Academy CEO Brother Zahariel and Wex Manchester
-Filling in for NinjaTurtle this week is Noir. veteran, FC, and financier Kingblade
–EVE News: Crius deploys shortly after we record so we have a last minute review of features and likely impacts, PCU Count vs In Game Activity: Is EVE Dying or Just Changing?, Kugutsumen shuts down
–Contract Wrap Up: Scrimming on Duality sucks hardcore, along with most of the setups Noir. tested this weekend
–This Week In Mercs: A look at the Marmite Collective vs Pursuit of Happiness feud
–CSM Corner: CCP is on vacation aside from the Crius deployment, the participants of the next summit have been announced
Ending Song: Sailor Moon Theme (classic )
BroZah you fucking hero <3