About NinjaTurtle

Former Declarations of War co-host/editor, Eve dude, League punk, engineering student, troll your shit, double-life enthusiast Twitter- @schertt

CSM 10 Issue Panel- The Changing Role of the CSM and the CCP/CSM Relationship

We present to you the first of our two CSM 10 candidate round-table style discussions, focusing on the changing role of the CSM and the CCP/CSM dynamic.


  • DomanarK
  • Khador Vess

Issues (not a comprehensive list):

  • CSM Whitepaper
  • Interpretations of the CSM’s mission
  • Access and dissemination of information
  • Repairing a damaged CSM/CCP relationship

Thanks for listening. I’m working on the second roundtable now, look for that in a few hours.

As always, don’t forget to vote.

DoW 91: Elder Statesman

“…and if you’re in a group of 14 and you can’t figure out who the dipstick is, it’s you.”

Special Guest: CSM Rep. Mike Azariah joins Alek and Deletor for an episode of laughs and hard questions

Poll Results: The Minutes and the NDA

EVE News:

  • Tiamat approaches, we take a look at the patch notes and discuss release cycles
  • CFC vs BL in Venal heats back up

This Week in Mercs:

  • NoNotBelieving update

CSM Corner: A look at the controversy surrounding CSM9’s recently-aired infighting and struggles with a changing CSM/CCP relationship

DoW 90: Vegan Minutes, Part I

“..but there have got to be better ways to address it than chili recipes”

Special Guest: Noir. Director and TMdC Null-Sec correspondent Lioso Cadelanne

Poll Results: CCP Falcon vindicated

EVE News:

  • Black Mark Awards recap
  • Sleeper AI exhibiting new behavior, shenanigans
  • CCP deems “hyperdunking” acceptable
  • The Mittani rallies CFC forces to raise money for cancer treatment 
  • Lioso gives a brief recap of recent nullsec happenings

Contract Wrap Up: 

  • New Eden Grand Prix (video)
  • Suddenly Spaceships and Cynosural Field Theory. drop Easily Excited after interference in a tower takedown contract

This Week in Mercs:

  • Gevlin Goblin parts ways with The Marmite Collective but not before taking one of their best corps (entry-level drama) (pastebin)
  • Noir. leaves Suddenly Spaceships to form new merc alliance

CSM Corner: CSM Winter Summit minutes released in record time leaving some to ask ‘where’s the beef?’

Tom Misch & Carmody – So Close (Wild Culture Remix)

Our break was longer than expected but we’re glad to be back. Thanks for hopefully bearing with us for another year.

Dow 85: A Slightly Closer Bridge

“Now, I read in the comment section of some news sites that you plan on then RMTing that isk…”
-Alex and Turtle tag-team the show with guest/friend/former CSM 9 member Major JSilva
Properly timed poll discussion: What’s your read on these jump changes?
EVE News: EVE Vegas hits capacityCFC/Nulli supers down, still not news; Pandemic Legion/Waffles. ‘support’ CVA sov warfare in Catch, down a station upgrade in the process; The Research Race of YC116 begins (and concludes), with the major results to be announced at EVE Vegas
Interview: Major JSilva
Contract Wrapup: Outer Ring, weeks 2/3
This Week in Mercs: Break a Wish hired for industrial sabotage
CSM Corner: Silva looks back on his time on CSM9; Dev Blog Roundup: Updates to the Sensor Overlay, Exploration Buffs, and upcoming Forum improvements.
Ending: Jem and the Holograms- Only the Beginning