269: Grinches

269? Nice.

-The full story of EVE Uni’s WH Campus corp theft and eviction

-SNUFF wrecks GalMil’s Network infrastructure on Christmas Eve

-The 2023 Black Mark Awards are on! We break down the nominations. Vote here!

-A recent Noir. Academy grad FCs an AF fleet into Turnur just in time for a super cap brawl


267: Of Angels and Rabbits

“It’s gonna come down to one side or the other deciding they want to go all out”

-Brisc Rubal returns!

-B2 collapses, BRAVE joins Imperium, PandaFam expands: Causes and Consequences discussed

-On the frontlines of Havoc’s pirate insurgencies

-Who does Brisc miss more, The Initiative or The Mittani? And other fun questions.

-Laevateinn speed runs getting a doctrine added to NET’s roster, Alek hits a loot piñata, Zeero goes on a Merlin rampage, and more!

-Want more Brisc or more detail on The Imperium’s perspective on the war? Tune in here.

You are facing an opponent of equal strength. That may or may not change over time.
  • Strike first 69%, 22 votes
    22 votes 69%
    22 votes - 69% of all votes
  • Wait for them to make the first move 31%, 10 votes
    10 votes 31%
    10 votes - 31% of all votes
Total Votes: 32
November 20, 2023 - January 21, 2024
Voting is closed