178: Eternal Night feat. Tyrus Hughs

Let me get the exact quote


-Blackout pt. 2: Returning players, Hilmar interview, Blackout only the beginning of the Chaos Era

-Panel discusses possible future shakeups

-TEST vs FRT update

-Roam highlights and more!

162: The Reveal

“How do YOU pronounce it?”

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-Laevateinn from Mercenary Coalition debuts as the show’s third host

-Laeve brings another seasoned FC’s perspective to the upcoming ECM changes, which overall do not please our audience

-CSM Minutes are out! And there’s a lot of details to go over from wardecs to mining

-EVE balance philosophy: Can EVE be perfectly balance? Should it be?

-Multiplayer Abyssal sites?!

-A preview of new anchorable structures including gates and “propaganda towers”

-Dronelands begin to percolate

159: Couping



-Update on the Big War as the trench lines are drawn

-AT finals! Zzzzz

-Wild update on Wild War 2. The end? Not likely…

-Artimus calls out Alek’s questionable branding sense, while Alek retorts with pity for Artimus’ deprived childhood

-Everything you ever wanted to know about flying and fighting Triglavian ships

144: Be Kind, Refine

To be fair, it’s decaff coffee


The cast returns to discuss all things Lifeblood. Also we discuss the time FCON was still alive.

-gigX *handedly* wins our latest poll

-Lifeblood beyond the patchnotes; what are new market realities in EVE?

-MC takes contract against TRI in the South

-The Culture cedes Fountain to The Imperium

-An “update” on the PL/Provi/TEST “war”

-Host Highlights: Alek breeds, Jin wins a fight, and Artimus saves a Nyx in need