152: Hard Reset

“I don’t like how we’re still at the point, like, ‘The patch didn’t break my computer. That’s pretty good.'” 


-We’re back!

-GOTG drops 5 titans to Imperium in the first major cap engagement since the cap projection buff

-Speaking of the patch, server instability runs rampant!

-CSM election schedule gets a major shake up. What are the implications?

-Alek’s PC adventure

-Artimus cold turkey’s /r/eve

-Jin burns out but is on the mend

-Jin’s family deploys to Tenerifis, Artimus’ Arbitrator, and more!

151: Balance of Power

“I didn’t sell out people, I bought in.”


-JIN LEAVES CVA!!11!ZOMG!!!! What’s next for Jin and Providence as PL amps up the pressure?

-DRF diplomatic coup reshuffles nullsec map and forces Triumvirate to surrender. Where do they go from here?

-“Where are the devs? Are they safe?” Multiple dev blogs released detailing exciting balance changes coming as early as next month! We examine the impact and implications.

-A dramatic reading of rage, dobodeteli, and “la-la”

144: Be Kind, Refine

To be fair, it’s decaff coffee


The cast returns to discuss all things Lifeblood. Also we discuss the time FCON was still alive.

-gigX *handedly* wins our latest poll

-Lifeblood beyond the patchnotes; what are new market realities in EVE?

-MC takes contract against TRI in the South

-The Culture cedes Fountain to The Imperium

-An “update” on the PL/Provi/TEST “war”

-Host Highlights: Alek breeds, Jin wins a fight, and Artimus saves a Nyx in need