168: 100% Jin’taan Personal Views

“You know what I mean.”



-Jin’taan and Nidia Masters return for an absolutely unforgettable episode

-What has Jin been up to? Is INIT better than TEST? What’s up with the CSM?

-Nidia talks all things Pandemic Horde

-Our hosts and guests wax poetically about the early days of EVE and their fond memories of Providence, UNITY, and anarcho-capitalism

-An update on the war in Scalding Pass from Neighborhood Watch block captain Alekseyev Karrde

167: The Smug Show w/ Boom Boom Longtime

“Let me hear you say wayo!”


-Famed ISK doubler and Amarr Local socialite Boom Boom Longtime details his journey from Noir. Academy to infamous scammer

-A personal behind-the-scenes account of the historic 9UY Black Market

-What could the Black Market mean for Providence and EVE?

-TEST’s Geminate offensive fizzles, while PanFam counters in highsec! Laeve reports live from the reinforcement fight for TEST’s Perimeter Keepstar

-The war for Scalding Pass continues as smaller alliances push back against Scourge and Fraternity

-Artimus anime corruption update

164: Network Effects

“It’s a dark day…”


-Shit gets heavy as both Mercenary Coalition and Noir. shut their doors

-Alek and Laeve discuss the factors leading up to the closure, reflect on the significance of MC, and share their fondest memories of Noir.

-Alek discussed the launch of his new alliance, The Network.

-Highsec hijinx as the conflict between PanFam and Legacy resurges in an unusual direction. The cast breakdown why this epic null war is being fought in Perimeter as well as Geminate and Vale.

-Masterclass: Everything you ever wanted to know about energy neutralizers

163: Onslaught

Reposting for great justice:


The gang talks all things Onslaught, including new ships, deployables, and Abyssal Deadspace mechanics.