184: Bitter Minutes feat. Matterall

“It’s not that nothing’s changing, it’s just these changes aren’t adding anything positive to our gameplay.”


-The gang deep-dives into the CSM minutes and compare/contrasts them to the announcements of EVE Vegas

-Save our Assault Frigates!

-Matterall addresses recent criticisms of a rules change in TiS Discord

-EVE and China, timebomb or no big deal?

-Hilmar’s long term vision for EVE

183: Winter is Ending

“Most people are looking at EVE Vegas for some direction from CCP”


-CSM Minutes deep dive announced for the next episode

-Dank Leeks: Triglavian dreads, mid-grade implants, FOB loot requiring freighter

-Nullsec: NC. vs DeadCo kicks off, Winter concedes defeat at the hands of Legacy, an explorations of DeadCo’s political isolation

-The FW Treaty: players unite to try and fix Faction Warfare game design issues

-Analysis of the Sept. Economic and Security reports

170: On Guard w/ Dian Lung

“CCP Guard is basically my favorite human.”


-Dian, reloader of Hellcats Reloaded, joins us for an International Women’s Day edition of DoW

-CCP Guard leaves CCP, becoming Regular Guard

-Alekseyev disbands The Network; Capitalist Army to TemplisCALSF

-Wardecs get a major overhaul. What’s next for highsec combat?

-Snuff rolling lowsec with titans and numerous blingy ships die

-Providence continues to RF the 9UY Black Market, Alek has time of his life blowing them up with the Fort guns

169: Press F for Alliance Tournament

“Kinda feels like people going through the motions…”


The Alliance Tournament is no more?

-Suff vs Lowsec: Heimatar and Bleaklands assault highlights their strategic growth over the years

-The stakes get dramatically raised in the south east as Legacy and DRF join forces against Skillurself and FRT. Inactivity and pressure from Scalding Pass’ Laughing Buddha coalition cause Scourge. to collapse into Skill Urself, merging All The Wars.

-BURN JITA2019!!! Over 200bil claimed as day 1 comes to a close as we record this episode