298: Eviction Notice feat. Hoss Fever and Lucy Tovich

“At least they felt like they needed a casus belli for YOU!”

-One of the most divisive issues in EVE: How to pronounce “Hecate”

-Wormhole evictions and you! How evictions work and what you can do to keep your wormhole safe

-Lucy and Hoss give details, battle reports, and learnings from their recent evictions at the hand of The Coalition (aka HoleHawks)

-EVE gets a big update. The guests weigh in on the impact to WH space while Alek promises a full patch rundown on the next show


WH bros: How ready is your group to defend against eviction?

284: Struggling Homeowners

“Looks like they’re starting an eviction”

-A few words on the passing of CSM Rep and titan of the EVE Community, Innominate

-A slew of Contract Updates including hype for upcoming episodes covering our campaign in Omist

-A bit of excitement in The Reef as outsiders disrupt the natural ecosystem

-ATXX begins! Zeero and Alek take an early look at the meta for the 20th Alliance Tournament


What will the winners of ATXX be most known for?
  • Breaking the Meta 57%, 13 votes
    13 votes 57%
    13 votes - 57% of all votes
  • Executing the Meta 26%, 6 votes
    6 votes 26%
    6 votes - 26% of all votes
  • Making the Meta 17%, 4 votes
    4 votes 17%
    4 votes - 17% of all votes
Total Votes: 23
August 28, 2024 - September 8, 2024
Voting is closed

283: Hard Knocks Life feat. Jimmy Michaels

“I think there were a lot of mistakes on their part”

Declarations of War Ep. 283

-Jimmy Michaels, Hard Knocks, and the intricacies of WH Warfare

-Imperium and PandaFam clash with Keepstars on the line (Discord lost some audio here, did our best to salvage!)

-OnlyFleets stands tall in the South East

-Dramatic Reading: Don’t Mess With The Metenox Cartel

Pull the trigger and join Noir. today: https://discord.gg/fG6s6fQZzt

Who do you think has the bigger super fleet?

278: Random Skin Generator feat. Random McNally

“Reeks of microtransactions”

-Pirate, industrialist, and podcaster Random McNally joins us for a great interview and a timely episode

-Which MC corp is best? The People have spoken

-SYNDE surrenders the WH war in a shocking turn of events

-Custom ship skins, but at what cost? Controversy builds as CCP’s SKINR monetization strategy for Equinox falls under scrutiny

-Contract Update: Frulegur escort

The SKINR question:
  • A microtransaction too far 55%, 17 votes
    17 votes 55%
    17 votes - 55% of all votes
  • A reasonable way to monetize a great feature 45%, 14 votes
    14 votes 45%
    14 votes - 45% of all votes
Total Votes: 31
May 26, 2024 - June 23, 2024
Voting is closed