174: Bot Lords w/ Jin’taan

“Do you not see where this leads Alekseyev?!”


-CCP Peligro names names, releasing list of alliances and their % contribution to bots historically banned

-Jin and Alek vehemently disagree on CCP’s release of that information and how high responsibility for bots in alliances goes

-The North Dismembers: NC. pulls down high profile structures days before State of the Goonian announces massive deployment to Tribute

-TEST/FRT meatgrinder continues in the south. The cast explores several factors/scenarios that could tip the conflict one way or the other

-Jin updates us on Day 1 of the Streamfleet Showdown tournament

-CVA attempts to hit the 9UY Black Market Freeport, costing them 52b in caps and Machs

173: Briscy Business feat. Brisc Rubal

“Confidentiality is a big deal for attorneys; this put my license in jeopardy.”


The Rubal Report: Brisc is cleared of wrongdoing by a CCP investigation of their initial investigation. What went on behind the scenes and what does it mean for Brisc, the CSM, and CCP going forward?

-CCP Ghost on the Destiny/TriHex podcast (listen later)

-Chinese powerhouse alliance PIBC leaves EVE China for Tranquility

172: A Few Minutes Later w/ Commander Aze

“This isn’t fucking CNN; you can’t Trump Playbook this shit.”


-Frequent CSM candidate Commander Aze joins the show once again for this packed episode

-Worth the Wait: We finally deep dive into the CSM Minutes and Artimus has literal pages of notes

-Briscy Business: Brisc Rubal is removed from the CSM and banned for life for NDA violations, which he denies

-Aze’s Announcement: Due to the highly public nature of CCP’s announcement RE Brisc, Aze rethinks his goals

170: On Guard w/ Dian Lung

“CCP Guard is basically my favorite human.”


-Dian, reloader of Hellcats Reloaded, joins us for an International Women’s Day edition of DoW

-CCP Guard leaves CCP, becoming Regular Guard

-Alekseyev disbands The Network; Capitalist Army to TemplisCALSF

-Wardecs get a major overhaul. What’s next for highsec combat?

-Snuff rolling lowsec with titans and numerous blingy ships die

-Providence continues to RF the 9UY Black Market, Alek has time of his life blowing them up with the Fort guns