169: Press F for Alliance Tournament

“Kinda feels like people going through the motions…”


The Alliance Tournament is no more?

-Suff vs Lowsec: Heimatar and Bleaklands assault highlights their strategic growth over the years

-The stakes get dramatically raised in the south east as Legacy and DRF join forces against Skillurself and FRT. Inactivity and pressure from Scalding Pass’ Laughing Buddha coalition cause Scourge. to collapse into Skill Urself, merging All The Wars.

-BURN JITA2019!!! Over 200bil claimed as day 1 comes to a close as we record this episode

168: 100% Jin’taan Personal Views

“You know what I mean.”



-Jin’taan and Nidia Masters return for an absolutely unforgettable episode

-What has Jin been up to? Is INIT better than TEST? What’s up with the CSM?

-Nidia talks all things Pandemic Horde

-Our hosts and guests wax poetically about the early days of EVE and their fond memories of Providence, UNITY, and anarcho-capitalism

-An update on the war in Scalding Pass from Neighborhood Watch block captain Alekseyev Karrde

159: Couping



-Update on the Big War as the trench lines are drawn

-AT finals! Zzzzz

-Wild update on Wild War 2. The end? Not likely…

-Artimus calls out Alek’s questionable branding sense, while Alek retorts with pity for Artimus’ deprived childhood

-Everything you ever wanted to know about flying and fighting Triglavian ships

158: X47 Gon Give It To Ya

“I am not pleased with this meta…”


-The Big War: Each sides prospects for victory and what that could look like, The Battle of X47 (10 trillion in the dirt!), status check on the northern and southern fronts

-ATXVI: Review of the emerging metas and comp archetypes, Artimus pines for AT comps of old, some match highlights, and a look at next week’s brackets

-Wildlands War 2: Alek runs down a timeline of the major battles and developments in his home region of Great Wildlands over the past two weeks. Artimus and Alek share war stories from the front lines.