218: The Roadmap

It’s dumb. It’s your fault. Stop it, please.”

-The Alliance Tournament returns to thunderous complaints

-A full breakdown, analysis, and speculation on the July Status Update blog

-TEST leadership announce plans for a final 1DH offensive beginning this weekend. We break down their chances and what it will take for each side to win.

The July Update:
  • Good but I still need/expect more 50%, 10 votes
    10 votes 50%
    10 votes - 50% of all votes
  • This is the communication from CCP I have been looking for 35%, 7 votes
    7 votes 35%
    7 votes - 35% of all votes
  • Not nearly enough 15%, 3 votes
    3 votes 15%
    3 votes - 15% of all votes
Total Votes: 20
July 28, 2021 - August 9, 2021
Voting is closed

203: Super Potato Mode feat. Sindrakin Gorion

“I think they did it because they are cowards” 

-Sindrakin Gorion joins us, FC for ChemiKals and the Goon with the most Noir. kills in Delve

-Sindrakin recounts his experience being a small gang FC in the Imperium and numerous fights with Noir. fleets, including handing out wipes to both Alek and Laeve

-Breakthrough in WWB2? Attackers anchor a Keepstar in Delve as a carefully planned Imperium titan trap is foiled by sever problems

-Triglavian invasion plans fully realized as the new Pochven region takes shape, to the disappointment of just about everyone

-Discussion of recent balance announcements including a total rework of the Eris and the realization of the mothership power fantasy

-Noir. Contract Update: Killing a Watchman Raitaru in highsec yields several multi billion ISK fleet fights

195: Viral Content feat. Laevateinn and Kravma

Stay home. Wear masks. Keep your distance. Disinfect.

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-Laevateinn and Kravma return for this jam packed episode!

-Laev, MD reports from the front lines of the NHS’s effort to combat COVID-19

-Artimus weighs in on the CSM Minutes regarding interdiction nullification

-Noir.’s Cloud Ring contract vs INIT

-Noir. takes on its first solo Fortizar in a for-funsies WH eviction

-Masterclass: Theorycrafting Drakes vs Cyclones vs Harbingers for hitting Jump Bridges

192: Sweeps Week feat. Andy Astronaut

“Transitioning from one area of space CCP has long neglected but recently changed a little to another…”

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-Carrying 3 Black Mark Awards in tow, Andy Astronaut joins us for the show

-Noir. hits a wormhole full of squirrels and scores big nuts

-Gang recounts some of their most memorable FCing mistakes

-Super crazy brawls and dev slaughtering in Providence

-February Economic Report discussion and analysis

-Follow up on the mutual evictions going on at the top tier of WH space

-CCP’s major update to FW and corresponding lowsec event

Bonus: Vily on T*PI