CCP Dolanmite
“Do you think it’d be a good idea for me to get shot by a number of paintballs equal to the votes we got last year?”
–Poll Results: Who Deserved a Ban from the Bonus Round? (science!!!)
–News: The southern map resets to pre-Halloween war boundaries, Brave Newbies suffers from leadership drama, and tensions rise in the north with CFC vs. TRI/BL/Mordus
–Contract Wrap Up: Noir. tests some new doctrine ideas, including Artillery Cynabals and Tempest Fleet Issues
–This Week in Mercs: The Marmite Collective decs Rote Kapelle over Jesters Trek blog
–CSM Corner: CCP Dolan joins us to talk summit minutes, CSM8’s performance, and the ongoing CSM9 elections
–Masterclass: Lowsec Aggro Mechanics
Great interview. Dolan played a lot of the more difficult deliveries with a straight bat, which is admirable and as a result came across as very honest and well meaning. He’s got a job which I frankly don’t envy; The Eve community are very vocal and agressive and he does a great job of being the filter between them and CCP. Was great having two different elected CSM members leading the interview as it gives a perspective that no-one else could have given.
Marmites killed Rote Kappele….. never !
Just a few…..
Who came out on top though at the end of the week?
It was pretty even. We might just have killed a bit more….