“Weeeo weeeo”
-The DoW audience weighs in on whether to preemptive strike or turtle up
-Alek and Zeero playtest EVE: Vanguard during the First Strike event
-Contract Updates: The Battle for Minerva (Jspace faceoff), Aborting a TRI Athanor in Wicked Creek
-While SNUFF is away, the frogs will play: Birthday party leads to 300b cap brawl in Tama
-Zeero sends faction dreads to their fate with the magic of Merlins while Alek puts his fate in the hands of the Dice Gods
- SW 33%, 4 votes4 votes 33%4 votes - 33% of all votes
- SE 33%, 4 votes4 votes 33%4 votes - 33% of all votes
- NW 17%, 2 votes2 votes 17%2 votes - 17% of all votes
- NE 17%, 2 votes2 votes 17%2 votes - 17% of all votes