DoW: EVE Vegas 2019 feat. January Valentine and Matterall



-The crew is joined LIVE AND IN PERSON by special guests January Valentine and Matterall from Talking in Stations

-Expectations and reactions from EVE Vegas announcements (and lack of announcements)

-Who is truly responsible for EVE’s stagnation, CCP or us?

-The impact gatherings like Vegas have on the meta

183: Winter is Ending

“Most people are looking at EVE Vegas for some direction from CCP”


-CSM Minutes deep dive announced for the next episode

-Dank Leeks: Triglavian dreads, mid-grade implants, FOB loot requiring freighter

-Nullsec: NC. vs DeadCo kicks off, Winter concedes defeat at the hands of Legacy, an explorations of DeadCo’s political isolation

-The FW Treaty: players unite to try and fix Faction Warfare game design issues

-Analysis of the Sept. Economic and Security reports

182: We Hardly Knew Ye



-CCP rolls Blackout back; Sick Alek’s unbridled rage

-Noir. takes it’s first post-Reformation contract, defending a WH Keepstar against Inner Hell, Hard Knocks, and LAZERHAWKS

-A Fiend is killed!

180: Turnaround

“It’s about time.”


-CCP announces game changing alterations to Cynos

-SNUFF’s unbeatable lowsec capital supremacy gets challenged (successfully!)

-What’s the economic impact of Blackout? July MER analysis within…

-Plus: Changes to bumping, Laeve’s sick kid, Artimus’ discouraged attackers, and Alek’s insane keyboard: