274: Angels and Devils

“That’s a bit more than EVE O Preview”

-Contract Update: WH POS/POCOs, FW Farmers, highsec Azbel, and Noir.’s first week in Guristas Faction Warfare
-Imperium and PandaFam square up in Catch and highsec
-SRS Fortizars become the latest high profile highsec war HQs to fall
-Hisec wardec mechanics update – reffing your own war HQ before the war goes live to extend the war to minimum of 6 days
-CCP begins the new expansion hypetrain with in-game event and lore drops

-Alek tries Vortron Projectors while Zeero unlocks his Stand in nullsec

Are war decs fun?
  • Yes 38%, 15 votes
    15 votes 38%
    15 votes - 38% of all votes
  • Yes, but only if you're attacking 28%, 11 votes
    11 votes 28%
    11 votes - 28% of all votes
  • No 23%, 9 votes
    9 votes 23%
    9 votes - 23% of all votes
  • I've never been wardec'd 10%, 4 votes
    4 votes 10%
    4 votes - 10% of all votes
Total Votes: 39
March 24, 2024 - April 7, 2024
Voting is closed

273: CALSFication

I’m taking it a little personally!

-Poll: Deflation vs Inflation

-Major announcement about the future of Noir. and The Network.

-Shenanigans! Highsec wardec alliances lose multiple HQs but find controversial ways to stay in business

-EVE University continues to process the events and aftermath of their WH eviction, the latest +50 page report discussed

-AB Tormentors wiped out a nanofleet?! It happened True Believers!

272: ISK Congeniality

“One of the most productive CSM Summits ever”

-The Oz returns to accept his Best Guest of 2023 Award

-Oz gives a (NDA compliant) insiders view of the 2024 CSM Summit

-An analysis of the Jan 2024 economic report and what, if anything, it can tell us about the coming year of warfare in EVE

-Contract Update: Sleep Reapers vs Gentlemen’s Club, *multiple* structure fights!

-Zeero updates on AG6 practice methods

Which would you rather see in EVE?
  • Slow and steady DEflation 76%, 13 votes
    13 votes 76%
    13 votes - 76% of all votes
  • Slow and steady INflation? 24%, 4 votes
    4 votes 24%
    4 votes - 24% of all votes
Total Votes: 17
February 20, 2024 - March 4, 2024
Voting is closed