259: Eagle Guys feat. Kanari Xadi

“Wouldn’t count on that”

-Leader of new merc alliance Blood Eagle Syndicate, Kanari Xadi, joins the show to discuss their experiences in FW and the merc biz

-Contract: Burn Kor-Azor

-Faction Warzone updates

-EVEPraisal shuts its doors

-CSM18 election details released!

-New Guristas Corax?

258: Scuffed Audio feat. Sabbat Saint

“Not our best commercial, unfortunately”

-Sabbat Saint, host of the Triglavian Times, joins the show to talk Pochven, the AT, and more!

-Pochven the early years plus an overview of the current big players in Triglavian space

-End of an Era as the TTT implodes, then explodes

-ATXIX weekend 1 analysis: meta, matchups, and more

-Contract Update: Bloodbath in Enden

-FW action as GalMil holds strong in Heyd while a counterattack disables the Caldari stargate in Athounen

Alek Note: As will be extremely apparent, I had recording issues during this episode. I tried to recover and restore as much of it as possible. I hope you enjoy this episode despite the audio quality!

257: SKINt

Friendship Ended with Imperium

-Alek and Zeero salivate for the new Lance Dreadnaughts and wax malevolently about their potential tactical applications

-SKINS for rent; we are not pleased

-INIT leaves The Imperium. While standings remain blue, the long term implications could be very interesting for EVE

-Contract Update: CTF, EVE UNI, and Syndicate counter drops

Where will INIT strike?
  • NW 36%, 4 votes
    4 votes 36%
    4 votes - 36% of all votes
  • NE 36%, 4 votes
    4 votes 36%
    4 votes - 36% of all votes
  • SE 18%, 2 votes
    2 votes 18%
    2 votes - 18% of all votes
  • SW 9%, 1 vote
    1 vote 9%
    1 vote - 9% of all votes
Total Votes: 11
June 9, 2023 - June 18, 2023
Voting is closed