DoW 98- The Duality of Man

“Even more internet space-pixely than your usual internet space-pixels”

Aleks and Turtle are joined by NA. CEO Cassidy Skye to discuss No Not Believing’s first-hand account of the new sov system as well as some of New Eden’s current news.


-EVE News
Black Legion vs. BRAVE heats up in Fountain
Burn Amarr happened
EVE: Valkyrie gets significant stage time at E3 2015

-Alliance Update
Fozziesov Beta Testing on Duality

-This Week in Mercs
Mercenary Coalition completes first nullsec contract since relaunch

-CSM(less) Corner
New missile modules incoming (We’ll get to these fleet warp changes next episode, believe me on that)

Cassidy Skye gives us a quick word on how his tenure as NA. CEO is going and what’s new in the program

Ending Music- Rihanna – Bitch Better Have My Money (Gent & Jawns Remix)

DoW Episode 43 – ‘Phone calls of a sexual nature’

-Turtle and Alek joined by Deletor (and later Hanthion T Chlovirissian) from Noir. Academy and Puppy UK from EVE Co-Pilot on Youtube
-Milwaukee, WI meetup EVE-O thread:
-Video guides, EVE tutorials, and the direction CCP should take the NPE
-Poll Discussion: the BC changes
-Contract Wrap Up: NA. deploys to Syndicate
-Theorycrafting the Micro Jump Drive
-This Week in Mercs: Chitsa Jason launches CSM campaign
-News: CFC/Test reset, Battle of Asakai, RvB Poinen rumble, armor tanking changes
-CSM Update: Progress on the CSM-as-Stakeholder, next expansion theme picked, CSM8 candidates announce early