Smooth Operators


-Waifu poll results are in! What a time to be alive.

-1st Blood Raider Soityo down! No loot survives. Because TEST.

-Amamake Police lose their cop cars to a very dedicated scammer

-A serious exploit to skill training revealed. Does this explain PLEX prices?

-Fighting heats up in Cloud Ring and Pure Blind

-Alek and Artimus are inverting in their PVP focuses

End Song: Wildest Things in the World

Citadel Fest w/ Yukiko Kami

“Pretty easy considering his citizens respawn regularly”

-Fresh off election to the CSM, Yukiko Kami joins the show as our special guest

-Speaking of, we have a new CSM! What does the future look like for CSM12?

-FanFest! We break down all the new announcements and features including faction citadels and Blood Raiders shipyards.

-Tensions rise in the south as Goonswarm clashes with TEST/C02 over structures

-Turns out our Wrestlemania predictions were terrible

End Song: It’s a New Day, yes it is!

DoW 128: Naughty Game Style

“Jeezus, why are there two of them now?!”

-Spy, supercap hunter, and incumbant CSM candidate Bobmon joins the show

-The audience confirms that battleships are not the most fun, betraying Jin’taan and all he holds dear (racism against frigates)

-Hard Knocks vs Care For Kids/xXDeath supercap brawl in Cobalt Edge

-Jin provides an update on the South as it settles

-EVE_NT minor league has begun, Artimus gives his account of the first weekend’s matches

-Alek has a huge update about the Capitalist Army and its new alliance

-Bobmon and Jin talk in depth about the CSM Summit including shocking changes to the structure of the CSM

-A streamy Theorycrafting Corner on Nullification

-Host Highlights, including Alek’s “hit” new video, and much more!


DoW 122: The Tusk at Hand

“That does seem tin foily.”

Suleiman Shouaa, CEO of the ATXIV champion Tuskers joins the show

-MAJOR STORY: CCP shuts down all EVE gambling sites. Have they gone too far and what will this mean for the community?

-Inside look at The Tuskers’ recent underdog tournament win

-A history of The Tuskers

-Supposed IRL bounty makes mainstream headlines. Good, bad, or just a troll?

-MC drawn into NC./Horde vs Circle of TEST Tribute conflict

-Host highlights and more!

Ending: Prism by Lindsey Sterling