The Month of RHEEEEEE (136)

*A* Reddit thread?!

Show has a new intro; Goons fail a dread bomb but kill a Keepstar in two massive fights; Reddit explodes over fighter nerfs and Ghost Training; CCP’s + CSM’s responses to the controversy; Fixing Citadels+Aegis, lessons forgotten from Dominion sov; T3 Rebalance reviewed; Fighting breaks out in Great Wildlands

135: Spies, Lies, and Videotape

“Their desire to dick on people is very strong”

Theomachy! Alek flies and dies while Jin comments from the skies

HTP scams Provi counter-intelligence: aka Provi’s counter “intelligence” 

Project Nova: A name we haven’t heard in a while

PanFam vs Legacy: Analysis of southern politics as they evolve

T3 Rebalance Breakdown

Theorycrafting Corner: Nightmares

-Epic host highlight from Artimus and much more!

Ending: SCANDAL – Shojou S

Smooth Operators


-Waifu poll results are in! What a time to be alive.

-1st Blood Raider Soityo down! No loot survives. Because TEST.

-Amamake Police lose their cop cars to a very dedicated scammer

-A serious exploit to skill training revealed. Does this explain PLEX prices?

-Fighting heats up in Cloud Ring and Pure Blind

-Alek and Artimus are inverting in their PVP focuses

End Song: Wildest Things in the World