231: 120 Minutes in Space w/ CCP Burger and CCP Paragon

Disclaimer: Technically not 120 minutes

-CCP’s Burger and Paragon join Alek to discuss the Road to Fanfest and the questions raised by this much lauded dev blog

-Fanfest is coming!!! What should people expect out of this event 3 years in the making?

-Mining NPE and the most effective metrics for new player retention

-No more ninja POCOs: gantry now have timers and are shootable (no change to the actual POCO once it’s up)

-Gameplay options for Rorqual conduit jumping and how aware CCP are of the potential abuses

-Instant compression! Good. What’s the gameplay goal of compression in the first place though?

-Follow ups on the Dynamic Bounty System, the ESS, and the unrealized potential of bank heists

-Progression for aspiring carrier pilots? What pilots should aspire to carriers and why? What is their role if they can’t fight near tether?!

-Taxation and the evolution of EVE’s PVE structure

-CCP Burger’s feelings going into the Fanfest Keynote

PS: Pardon the initial mic quality (it does normalize).

The Battle of the Bergurs
  • CCP Burger 53%, 8 votes
    8 votes 53%
    8 votes - 53% of all votes
  • CCP Paragon 47%, 7 votes
    7 votes 47%
    7 votes - 47% of all votes
Total Votes: 15
February 22, 2022 - April 10, 2022
Voting is closed

230: 5th Annual Black Mark Awards

“I have an unpopular opinion on this.”

-Reaction to interview with CCP Rattati and Swift
-Long overdue Contract Updates!
-SNUFF dreadbomb trapped in place
-New nullsec conflicts starting up: TRI vs FIRE and NC. vs BOSS
-2021 Black Mark Awards winners announced!

Will Rote be able to save both of their Fortizars this week?
  • Yes 80%, 12 votes
    12 votes 80%
    12 votes - 80% of all votes
  • No 20%, 3 votes
    3 votes 20%
    3 votes - 20% of all votes
Total Votes: 15
February 2, 2022 - February 14, 2022
Voting is closed

229: Rattati Redux

“Devs replying to you on Reddit isn’t a God given right either.”

-CCP Swift and CCP Rattati join the show for an in-depth, no holds barred interview

-Scarcity, the Age of Prosperity, their rollouts/marketing, and what the data is telling CCP now

-Gaining and maintaining player trust

-NFTs, blockchain, and how emerging tech trends relate to EVE’s future

-The Doctor Who event: who licensed who, what resources went into it, what CCP’s learning from it, and the wholesome reason behind it all

-Hot topics for 2022 including (but not limited to): structures, FW, untapped PVE experiences, approach to ship balancing, and CCP’s current thinking on priorities and prioritization

-Voting for the 2021 Black Mark Awards is now live! VOTE HERE!

Has this interview changed how you see CCP Rattati?
  • Yes, I see him less favorably now 47%, 139 votes
    139 votes 47%
    139 votes - 47% of all votes
  • Yes, I see him more favorably now 27%, 79 votes
    79 votes 27%
    79 votes - 27% of all votes
  • No, pretty much the same 27%, 79 votes
    79 votes 27%
    79 votes - 27% of all votes
Total Votes: 297
January 18, 2022 - January 31, 2022
Voting is closed

228: Thunderdome III

Two Forts enter, one Fort leaves!”

-The Mittani’s interview has improved his image; Andy gives his thoughts

-Review of the Winter Nexus event 2021

-Mining patch! Scarcity is “officially” “over” How good/bad was its final form and how is it being received by the miners among us?

-INIT expands its jump bridge network into Cloud Ring, at TRI’s expense

-FRT/WinterCo vs Rote/Pochven Militia continues to blaze hot with two weekends of do-or-die Fortizar timers

Miners: Is the "Prosperity" Patch as bad as you thought?
  • No 56%, 14 votes
    14 votes 56%
    14 votes - 56% of all votes
  • I haven't mined since the patch 36%, 9 votes
    9 votes 36%
    9 votes - 36% of all votes
  • Yes 8%, 2 votes
    2 votes 8%
    2 votes - 8% of all votes
Total Votes: 25
December 13, 2021 - December 27, 2021
Voting is closed

Skin it to win it! Leave your best comment on a show highlight