262: SEA Trials

“They’ve switched to Ishtars”

-CSM elections come to a close. What candidates stood out and what kind of CSM will we see this year?

-Contract Update: A C1 WH Astra results in a merc tug of war!

-Triumvirate rises again to challenge the small alliances of the Southeastern Agreement

-BLACKFLAG. finally pushes a nullsec alliance too far as INIT hazes highsec wardecers

-Plus: Zeero reshapes EVE Uni’s campus security and the Pochven meta!

Is Sov Worth It?
  • Yes 57%, 12 votes
    12 votes 57%
    12 votes - 57% of all votes
  • No 43%, 9 votes
    9 votes 43%
    9 votes - 43% of all votes
Total Votes: 21
September 10, 2023 - September 26, 2023
Voting is closed

258: Scuffed Audio feat. Sabbat Saint

“Not our best commercial, unfortunately”

-Sabbat Saint, host of the Triglavian Times, joins the show to talk Pochven, the AT, and more!

-Pochven the early years plus an overview of the current big players in Triglavian space

-End of an Era as the TTT implodes, then explodes

-ATXIX weekend 1 analysis: meta, matchups, and more

-Contract Update: Bloodbath in Enden

-FW action as GalMil holds strong in Heyd while a counterattack disables the Caldari stargate in Athounen

Alek Note: As will be extremely apparent, I had recording issues during this episode. I tried to recover and restore as much of it as possible. I hope you enjoy this episode despite the audio quality!

256: Spy in the Garden feat. Asar Kardde

“I was young”

-Former Noir. FC and currnet leader of Asymmetric-Warfare alliance Asar Kardde joins the show for a look into the politics of southeastern nullsec

-The South Eastern Agreement: player, pawns, and pwnage

-Key Horde FCs defect to Goonswarm in public fashion

-More info on Veridian and what to expect in our midyear expansion

-FW: Billions lost in Athounen during a rare structure fight between GalMil and CalMil

-The Network. expands with two new corps!

255: 20th Anniversary

“Looking forward to blowing them all up”

-EVE Online’s 20th Anniversary: Laeve and Alek reminisce

-Upcoming Patch; T2 Capital ships, corp LP tax, and station heraldry

-FW: Caldari completed the first shipcaster in EVE.

-Imperium vs FRT: the great pause button?

-Contract Update: Geminate/Vale concludes, new contract down south begins!

Will T2 Dreads be worth the price tag?
  • No 58%, 18 votes
    18 votes 58%
    18 votes - 58% of all votes
  • Yes 42%, 13 votes
    13 votes 42%
    13 votes - 42% of all votes
Total Votes: 31
May 9, 2023 - August 6, 2023
Voting is closed