242: The Haul feat. Psy Asterus

“The State of EVE is meh”

-Newly promoted CEO of Push X, Psy Asterus, brings an often unexplored hauler’s perspective to the show

-What is Push X, how does it work, how does it differ from competitors like Red Frog, and how did Psy wind up running the thing?

The State of EVE (and response)

-Fraternity gets a major strategic objective win over BRAVE, but at what cost?

-Psychotic Tendencies vs Prismatic Legion: Homophobes push into gays’ hole

Do you like hauling in EVE?
  • Yes 53%, 10 votes
    10 votes 53%
    10 votes - 53% of all votes
  • No 47%, 9 votes
    9 votes 47%
    9 votes - 47% of all votes
Total Votes: 19
August 24, 2022 - September 4, 2022
Voting is closed
© Kama

241: A BRAVE Defense feat. Wolfy Alexstrasza

“It defies the conventional wisdom of nullsec”

-BRAVE diplomat Wolfy Alexstrasza gives an inside account of BRAVE at war

-The circumstances in, around, before, and during the invasion of Fraternity., plus what may lay ahead

-1 trillion ISK and TEST’s dignity sent to the Shadow Realm! Former mega coalition leader mauled in their home region by Blue Eyes and Exodia Toon Duelist Kingdom Duelers and the rest of Goryn Clade after refusing to play them in a children’s card game. (AAR and videos)

-Alliance tournament fever begins!

Will TEST fully collapse as a regional power?
  • Effectively they already have 57%, 41 vote
    41 vote 57%
    41 vote - 57% of all votes
  • Yes 35%, 25 votes
    25 votes 35%
    25 votes - 35% of all votes
  • No 8%, 6 votes
    6 votes 8%
    6 votes - 8% of all votes
Total Votes: 72
August 9, 2022 - August 22, 2022
Voting is closed
© Kama

240: End of an Era

“FRT will have failed where so many others have succeeded”

-Beyond Imagination: The Mittani is no longer the leader of The Imperium, resigning amid a firestorm of misconduct and mismanagement allegations

-We do our best to recap the scandals swirling, the community backlash, and where both EVE and The Imperium go from here

-Fraternity bleeds but does not progress against BRAVE as their westward expansion stalls in Pure Blind

-Noir. has its first UK meetup! With 3 regular show hosts as well!!! We recap the most memorable moments of Alek’s trip to the British Isles

Will a coalition invade The Imperium's currently held regions in the next 6 months?
  • No 64%, 35 votes
    35 votes 64%
    35 votes - 64% of all votes
  • Yes 36%, 20 votes
    20 votes 36%
    20 votes - 36% of all votes
Total Votes: 55
July 27, 2022 - September 18, 2022
Voting is closed
© Kama