About NinjaTurtle

Former Declarations of War co-host/editor, Eve dude, League punk, engineering student, troll your shit, double-life enthusiast Twitter- @schertt

Interview- spiralJunkie

Too often, we gamers take for granted one of the most important functionalities of the human body: our ability to coordinate and utilize two hands to complete (often unrelated) tasks in unison. If you don’t understand what I mean, just stop what you’re doing and then start again, but this time using only one arm. Do this and you’ll have a faint idea what it’s like for my friend Tom. Diagnosed with Takayasu’s disease after suffering a stroke almost four years ago, Tom was left completely without the use of his left arm. As you can imagine, this presents a considerable number of hurdles when video games have essentially always been a two-handed affair.

After years of tackling these challenges himself, Tom has created a new website looking to reach out to the disabled gamer community so that others might have an easier time with their own challenges. Tom took a few minutes to chat with me in studio about his new project, as well as share some of the feelings and experiences that come with the territory; because, as Duke Senior so aptly states,
“Sweet are the uses of adversity,
Which, like the toad, ugly and venomous,
Wears yet a precious jewel in his head”

If you are a disabled gamer (any disability, any game), Tom wants to hear from you. Drop him a line at contact(at)ouchmyface.org and share your story through his brief questionnaire. Most importantly, thank you for taking the time to listen. Tell your friends, spread the message and help make a meaningful difference for a fellow gamer’s quality of life.


CSM8 Summer Summit

Hello faithful listeners!

You might have noticed that a few weeks have gone by since our last release; this is due to the fact that Ali Aras has been in Iceland for the CSM8 Summer Summit! So instead of spending the last week squeezing a drunk CSM rep for information, we decided to take a week off and record a super important, all-inclusive winter summit episode early this week.

As usual thanks for listening and we’ll see you soon.


Completing the Set

Hello friends,

This podcast has seen a various number of hosts (both people and servers) throughout the course of its life. In an effort to create a complete archive of all our podcast releases, we’ve recovered and uploaded a few of DoW’s original episodes that we had naively thought disappeared into the ether, filling in most of our missing episodes. That being said, we still are missing three early episodes (namely 14, 15 and 21) so if you think you might have a complete, intact copy of one of these three recordings, please contact either Alekseyev Karrde or myself (NinjaTurtle) via twitter/evemail/WP comment.

While some of these already existed on the server, here are links just in case you were curious about the early days of DoW. Click through the link episodes to play them with your in-browser .mp3 player (if supported), otherwise you can right-click and ‘save as’.

Thanks again guys, hope you enjoy.


Episode 1
Episode 2
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Episode 10
Episode 11
Episode 12
Episode 13