289: War At The Edge of the Universe

Feat. Eimantas Triber and Sgt Felix

-Contract Update: The Omist War from those who lived it, as the cast is joined by the client and Noir.’s Ace pilot for the campaign. Home defense, drama, aggressive rats, a botch director spy, small gang, epic fleet brawls: this one has it all!

-The Imperium surges east! Goonswarm relocates from their long held mountain stronghold in Delve to the wide open plains of Tenerifis

-AT Ship down!!! Eimantas recounts the tale and tactics that brought down a Cybele, the first AT ship killed by a Noir. pilot

-Revenant Expansion Breakdown/Preview

Noir. recruitment has reopened!

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2 thoughts on “289: War At The Edge of the Universe

  1. again, members of the Boss alliance have been using burst jamming AFs for years now dating back to fleet fights in TEST. If they are copying anyone, its internal members of BOSS.

    You can see this fleet kill is from 4 years ago…

    We miss you guys, been a bit dull without Noir to shoot at.

    Bit more research required on the “we invented this and they copied us” angle though might be required?


    • Maybe rediscovered is the right word? BOSS certainly hadn’t been using the burst ecms for several major fights in Omist

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